I don't bother too much explaining myself what is the true meaning of life. I guess we all have different approaches when it comes to defining one. But, there are some things we value and consider more important than others. I would argue that search for happiness is the most important thing about it and yet, somehow we tend to ignore it. The term of happiness is a pretty subjective thing as something that makes you happy doesn't necessarily need to be the case for someone else. But we all need a goal to strive for.
Some kind of hierarchy of goals is vital for homosapiens to keep ongoing. If there is no goal the life has literally no meaning.
I would rather fall down and get my shit straight than watch aside like a fucking bitch. I guess humans are to afraid of failing. It has been proven that Negative emotions are by far stronger than positive ones and it's an axiom. Negative emotions are the ones that are building our persona.

With every stressful situation, we encounter we become more of ourselves than we were before. There are even some clinical evidence to that. So basically, we don't become less afraid but rather more courageous after the certain problem appears.
New DNA and new genes are being built every time we push ourselves into the unknown, and not only that, new proteins and new neural structures are following it as well. Can you imagine what that means?
It literally means we have so much potential that is LOCKED inside our genetic code. When we unlock it we become more resistant to life and all the miseries this World has to offer.
Once we accept the truth and embrace the chaos as a fundamental part of our life we should free ourselves from all the pressure we've been subjected to. It is a pretty big burden to carry around, especially if the expectations imposed by society don't match our own preferences.
We have been raised and learned to follow and obey authority. You know what? I'm fucking sick of people trying to interfere with my fucking life.
I will follow my inner voice and will accept all the consequences I encounter while doing what i believe in.
It's better to be unhappy and know the worst than to be happy in a fool's paradise!
How to enjoy the Process?
Well, this one is tricky as fuck but there are some fundamentals that may help you to stay true to what you believe in.
There is no easy way out and i assume most people out there know it as a fact. The more time, money and work you invest the more you will receive. It's like a fucking boomerang, but a real-life boomerang.
The universe simply likes those who had balls to take a risk. Everything you do in life contains some risk, regardless if we're talking about falling in love, finding a new home, choosing a friend. If you're about to stay rational about every single thing life throws at you, the possibility of you ending up as a boring motherfucker is enormously high.
I'm not saying you should throw everything in your life out of pure hedonism, but when the time comes you will know what things you consider more valuable in comparison to others. When that moment comes, i would recommend you squeeze this shit out of it.
Don't get bothered what other people think. Most of them out there are blind to what's happening in the world. Why do you think this time will be different? People are frustrated with their lives and yet the price of moving away is to big for them to handle. Not all of the people out there are builders or thinkers. The majority simply likes to follow the rules established by those who are undermining their freedom and possibilities every single day. It's just way easier to merge with the masses, otherwise, you might be labeled as different haha.

But, if you maintain the mindset needed to overcome all the obstacles you'll encounter, eventually, you'll start not giving a single fuck about what others think.
Yet again, I'm just thinking out loud here. Enjoy the process while you still can, our time will come!
Loved it bro I see things similar to the way you do. I followed you cause I need more woke writers in my feed!
appreciate it... I need more them on my feed as well, need to start onboarding people ASAPA!