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RE: My drawing got stolen on Reddit lol

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Yeah... it’s brutal. I had one of the Founders of WEkU stealing my photos of my walks along the Rideau River here in Canada. I think the Dude was in Asia some place and kept my titles as “autumn walk along the Rideau” .... like WTF dude. Zero creativity. At least make up a new fake title. I called him out and got banned from Weku .... guy made $1,000 off my photos. Sometimes the Blockchain sucks. Zero recourse.


Eew those losers... can't they just walk themselves and take photos? D: Sucks he made a lot of money off of that!! :(

Well.... Weku dropped to .0000000 so not sure he made a penny. Unless he scammed somebody to pay Steem for his Weku.

Was probably best thing that ever happened to me.... getting banned from Weku ... so I didn’t waste too Much time there on that scam blockchain.