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RE: ...

in OCD5 years ago

I join the entire steemit/Hive to celebrate an amazing person like you for a four years of changing lives, impacting knowledge, inspiring minds, motivating souls and uplifting spirit. Words can’t tell enough of how much I respect you, admire your good human spirit and of your support mentally, emotionally, intentionally, financially, motivationally, inspirationally and what else... I’m lucky and proud to be part of the journey and will continue to be. You’re a wonder in the making.

Though many things had happened, the ones you could share, the ones you couldn’t, the ones I know and those I’m not privileged to know but you didn’t let those things weigh you down, that lesson of life I’ve learnt from you.

I can write a thousand words about the human you are but I’m going to summarily and conclusively say, the world would be a better place with many like you. Thanks for impacting lives.


Fuck, I feel like I need to snapshot, print, and put a copy of this on my wall...*

Feedback like this reminds me of the ultimate purpose of any of this.

Thank you. For both sharing such appreciation and being receptive to my offerings in the first place.


Your good deeds will forever hang in the walls of our heart. Every life you’ve touched, taught, helped, motivated, inspired, mentored, guided, loved, cherished, embraced , encouraged, cared for and to mention but a few will always have you in their heart as you will always be part of my success story.