Time is a very friendly enemy. Today you see a chunk of it ahead of you but before you know it its behind you. There is almost no bond between a person and a thing that cannot not be dented almost beyond repairs by the cold hands of time and separation.
My opinion is that what ever you have the opportunity to do now do it so well that you will be fulfilled because that could be the only opportunity you have to do it like that.
Staying away from what you love for too long can actually be the end of you committing to that thing.
If we all look back to a couple of years back in our lives, we will agree that a whole lot has changed and many things that we enjoyed doing back then can never find space in your life again today no matter how much you loved it, it becomes secondary.
Growing up I used to love watching soccer matches every weekend or every opportunity I have and also I could trade my silver and gold for a chance to play video games, but that all started fading away bit by bit when I started taking care of my bill myself and it was definitely not funny, life was clear before me it was easy for me to skip those things that didn't pay me for any silly reason from just being laziness or lack of interest and slowly I drifted further away from same things that once made me fee alive and now they are no longer my top options not to talk of being priorities.
I believe that as one grows we grow out of some fantasy and move to other things we find more attractive or time demanding, but mostly I believe responsibility awakens one up and when these responsibilities hit you especially when you have not properly gotten your life on track you start cutting off on some things in other to meet up with this new priorities and over time they can become your new life.
Nothing last forever and everything is almost replaceable, just little exceptions. Do your thing..