A different type of topic!
Have you ever tried food from the continent of Asia? My guess is yes, most of us have done so. I've had this idea in my mind for many months, but it took a sleepy saturday afternoon for me to get a chance to create this. I hope you'll like it - and hope it inspires you to sizzle up some tasty food in the wokka wokka!

Both PeakD and Hive Blog went mental on me!
Couldn't upload a simple png, so, apologies to night-mode users, this is going to look awful. I'm frustrated with the bugs like this, but at least we deloused ourselves of the biggest, most loathsome insect in all of crypto, the Sun Bug, so I'm willing to deal for now...

Even the simpler illustrations take TOO MUCH TIME
It's crazy. Partly due to my remaining POS notebook and partly to the nature of illustration - many, many refinements have to be made... Anyways I'm off, see ya around !!
UPDATE: After posting, I went to http://postimages.org and then pasted the link into the post. Works like a clock!
My vote is 4cents bro!!! 😂
The not-so-beautiful news is that I can't see the image 🙁
And they take so lo g because youuu make them so greattt 🎨🚀
👋 Hi @overkillcoin, I was flipping through the blockchain and stumbled on your work! You've been upvoted by Sketchbook / a community for design and creativity. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon.
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That pun woks well with the image :D
I've also had problems uploading images...
I love the illustration, reminds me a little Plants vs Zombies hehe.
i thought i was the first person at first who was finding it difficult to upload pic on peakd
It was horrible for me. But the site I mentioned worked GREAT and I just pasted the link in :D
okay bros .
Am I the only one?
What the fudge!!!
ahahaha cool!