Rabbit on a Tractor! (Carrot Harvest)

in OCD4 years ago


Hello, I am the weakest link...

Lately, I don't post much at all, I kinda feel bad about it. So, anyway, my father likes nostalgic stuff or sometimes mechanical stuff. Why not make a rabbit who's hauling a carrot harvest?

Do you like tractors?

At the end of the street from where I used to live, there was a half acre lot with ALL KINDS of old tractors. Some were in good condition and were begging to be taken on a high-speed police chase.


More about tractors

When I owned land, I had a small tractor - and got it stuck in the ditch once. Some random passerby stuck his foot in a fire ant hill while helping me get it to level ground. That was an act of kindness. Thanks, fire-anted guy!

Here's the sketch....


I was bored at the breakfast table...

And decided to draw on the envelope. I have a few more sketches done from weeks ago and hope to share those as well! Thanks for your support!



Great job on the rabbit sketch, and I think the stagecoach guy deserves a full spread and more detail. A race between the rabbit Tractor and the Lizard stagecoach.

I will try to revisit the stage coach guy if they's time :D

Yo man good to see a post from you! I go through periods where I don't post much either, it happens haha. I really like this piece though, it's very idyllic somehow. Gives you that warm fuzzy feeling! Take care man, hope you're well :)

Thanks D-pend, man we go way back since 2017 dawg! It's hard to imagine posting regularly, but drawing these for a family member has made me want to get more mileage out of them. A few more tomorrow and Sunday, then maybe some colour illustrations for a bit. Hopefully I can keep up the pace a while.

Did you draw fire-anted guy a thank you picture?

No, he just took off, probably looking for a medi-kit. Never saw the fellow again :( Damn ants!

Good to see your posts when you have time to share them broheem

Your pencil drawings are so easy on the eyes and then you look closer at all the detail. You just have a nice touch and the style is so consistent it just looks clean.

Right on man welcome back to full time posting! ;)

Things are so bananas in life, it's hard to imagine keeping up the pace, but I'll try to. As I understand, you've been out of control busy too.

The pencil time sketches are much fun until I share them - whereas the animation stuff is fun all around - even in the production mode :D Just wish I had more time for it ! :D

Brother, @overkillcoin how are you? Greetings, it's nice to see you back here, God bless you and may all your purposes be achieved in the name of God. Let me tell you that your said that exactly to the one in the image hehehe a pleasure to see you here again

bendecido dia amigo como esta todo,espero tenga un buen fin de semana,usted para mi ha sido un gran pilar,estoy muy agradecida,aqui en este pais todo va cada dia peor,ahora es que esta grave esta situacion,pero veremos como sobrevivir,ahora estoy con un dedo del pie con un golpe que me di y tengo inflamado,ya pase un malestar ,pero menos mal no fue covid porque eso es todo aqui y lo peor no hay nada de nada ni ambulancias,saludos amigo gracias por toda la ayuda que pudo y pueda brindarme Dios le gratifica en salud y cosas buenas al igual que a su familia,un beso y un abrazo de fraterna amistad desde venezuela,ah amigo necesito se meta en mi blog y busque una publicacion que le de reestem,ahi en los comentarios esta una foto que mande pero necesito que los amigos me voten ya que gana el que mas voto tenga,es por esta semana,ayudeme con eso,le agradezco necesito ganarme algo es en STEEMIT