Wow! The essay alone is phenomenal. Here are three bits that were, for me, salient:
A flash of insight comes—spontaneous revelation—after which we are concerned with reducing this inexplicable sensation down to something comprehensible; we desire to communicate something tangible that will make us known to others in a way that pays homage to and expands our sense of self. Great description of how I feel when a poem is coming on
We make ourselves caged birds in mute resignation. I have been thinking this about my obsession with steem, given all the current drama. Do I really need to be here so much?
Will we have the courage and presence of mind to begin to break out of collectively manufactured containment-belief-systems in which we are self-enslaved? Our lives depend on it
As for the poem, fabulous. How lovely it is to be out in nature, knowing I am but one tiny itty bitty piece of a exquisite whole, even if only as a glorified petrific worm. (I looked that word up, you mischievous fellow, you)
Quicken is a fantastic word - my life force quickens when I walk in nature. Since this has always been true for me, before cell phones or wifi, I can't attribute it to being away from EMF. Nature is a force beyond any and all of we humans, and she both cares about us deeply and gives none of us one whit. I am so happy I thought to come visit you today!
Now maybe you know the answer to this: I had already upvoted this via an autovote, but I changed my upvote from the autovote 10% to 100%, and your payout went down by a few cents. This happens every time I change my upvote. Do you have any idea why?