A very smart selfie there:)
I know that you are going to say that you hate selfies, so I do it for you lol.
We joined in the 16th of June 2017 and you have obviously made better headway in here. Congrats.
Not for a lack of trying, but I think the word charity in my tag line but it doesn't bother me.
It also draws special people to my posts and those are the ones that I want to surround myself with.
Engagement is indeed a core issue and you are totally correct.
Reading is a matter of concern for me.
My idea is to write uplifting and mostly positive content and the few readers identify with it, but the majority only comment on the tag picture.
Be that as it is, English second language viewers should at least bother to use translators when they comment on posts.
"That dog is nice", when I am writing about a squirrel just doesn't do it for me.
Yeah, I hear you about the language which is why I only rarely vote on anything that is not in English. It's funny you mention about that dog but it's a squirrel,...One of my brother's put a photo on our WhatsApp family group of a lake in Finland in which he had captured a deer leaping in the air.. Good photo...
...My comment?
I love how you captured that dog jumping in the air on this photo.
Lol...I can be a sarcastic bugger.
Hahaha, good one and I bet that he wasn't impressed Lol.
Suppose he chirped you some grief right back.
That word "bugger" was my gran's strongest swear word and whenever she rarely uttered it, her whole day was spoiled. I was of course always "innocent", but the only one that she called a little bugger lol.
He came back with some smart-ass comment, which I deserved. Lol.
Going to take a chance now to sneak out for a quick drive, as in this fog the ocean offers some good shots. I will have to take shots from the car and if a cop rocks up will just have to make like I am on the phone.
Wish me luck!
Just tell the cop you are sleep-walking. Lol.
Hahaha, oh yeah, easy to yawn and to wipe the sleep from eyes.
Then in the bright morning sunshine to say; "Good evening officer"