A few knocks, stains, scars and wrinkles become the light of life that shines in our eyes - or dullens them - if we let allow it.
As a charity worker, it is the ending of your scribe here that really struck a nerve here mate.
Yes, we all face ups and downs in life, and I am one of those that can see a person's spirit when I look into their eyes. "Windows of the soul"
Men fiddle with the ties that they are not wearing and women straighten their clothing and hair. Seriously, this happens every time.
So debilitating to look into the dead eyes of a person that has given up all hope.
Life can make us, or break us.
I wonder if life might be much the same for all, relatively. The difference is the change in approach to facing it -some turn away, some turn toward - some avoid, some face and attempt to overcome. Defeat can be empowering under the attempt, crushing for those who roll over without a fight.
Yeah man, and especially debilitating for those that have faced endless defeats.