Well, that´s a tricky question. The propaganda and censorship that Putin runs in Russia is incredible so it can be extremely difficult for common Russian folks to get the real picture of what is going on. Putin presents the war as "liberation of poor oppressed Russian minorities from the jaws of Nazi Ukraine". He is an absolute psycho...
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Yeah, that's what I've heard when I began to research the pro-Russia arguments. A Brazilian communist party (pro-Russia) claims the attack is justified to counter-attack the imperialists (Nato/Globalists). To be quite honest I think both sides are wrong and have a great dose of manipulating public opinion. In this madness I defend the common folk who don't want to deal with politics; we just want to life live peacefully.
Common Russian folks are ok. They may be manilupated with but they are safe. Common Ukrainian folks are hiding in shelters and being killed on streets of their very own cities. They are not ok and they are not safe.
Exactly. No offensive is justified.