My very first post [ENG/ESP]

in OCD2 years ago

pizza party (2).png

Primeros pasos en Hive. / First steps on Hive.

Greetings to the entire community of this great platform. I am very grateful to Hive and to the entire community here for giving me the opportunity to discover and explore this new world, for allowing me to embark on this journey which, I am sure, will be full of new experiences, knowledge and growth. Likewise, it will be a pleasure for me to share my experiences and knowledge with all of you. I have a feeling that a new stage in my development as a person is about to begin.

Saludos a toda la comunidad de esta gran plataforma. Estoy muy agradecido con Hive y con toda la comunidad que aquí se encuentra por brindarme la oportunidad de descubrir y explorar este nuevo mundo, por permitirme emprender este viaje qué, estoy seguro, estará lleno de nuevas experiencias, conocimiento y crecimiento. Así mismo será grato para mi compartir mis experiencias y conocimientos con todos ustedes. Tengo el presentimiento de que está a punto de comenzar una nueva etapa en mi desarrollo como persona.


First of all let me introduce myself, my name is Daniel Pérez and for a long time I had wanted to start this project and thanks to the mysteries of life I was able to reach you, Hivers, and above all thanks to a great person and friend, @edwardstobia, who, without any misgivings, has shared his knowledge with me, has advised me and motivated me to join this great community in pursuit of, perhaps it could be called, a dream. And I hope that with the help of him, and that of everyone in this great community, I can achieve my goals.

Antes que nada permítanme presentarme, mi nombre es Daniel Pérez, desde hace mucho había tenido ganas de iniciar este proyecto y gracias a los misterios de la vida pude llegar a ustedes, Hivers, y sobre todo gracias a una gran persona y amigo, @edwardstobia, qué, sin recelo alguno ha compartido conmigo su conocimiento, me ha aconsejado y motivado a unirme a esta gran comunidad en pos de seguir, quizás se podría llamar, un sueño. Y espero que con su ayuda, y la de todos en esta gran comunidad pueda alcanzar mis metas.


Daniel Pérez, being the youngest of three and 33 years old, born in the Bolívar State, Venezuela. Grateful to God and to my parents who always did what was necessary to encourage and support us in each of the stages of our lives.

Daniel Pérez, siendo el menor de tres y con 33 años de edad, nacido en el Estado Bolívar, Venezuela. Agradecido con dios y con mis padres que siempre hicieron lo necesario para impulsarnos y apoyarnos en cada una de las etapas de nuestras vidas.


My mother, a woman who, although she has quite a strong character at the same time, has a huge heart, with an impetus that always pushed her forward, energetic, hard-working, fighter, kind and above all, an excellent mother.

Mi madre, una mujer qué, aunque tiene un carácter bastante fuerte al mismo tiempo posee un corazón enorme, con un ímpetu que la impulso siempre hacían adelante, energética, trabajadora, luchadora, amable y sobre todo excelente madre.


My dad, who, like my mom, were fundamental pillars for what I am today. A kind, friendly, charismatic man with an unbeatable wit. Although today he suffers from a disease called Alzheimer's, there are still fragments of who he once was.

Mi papá, que al igual que mi mamá, fueron pilares fundamentales para lo que hoy en día soy. Un hombre bondadoso, amable, carismático y con un ingenio insuperable. Aunque a día de hoy padece una enfermedad llamada Alzheimer, aun quedan fragmentos de quien un día fue.



I like spending time playing games on my computer even though I no longer have a very good setup. In my free time I usually dedicate myself to different games, I like most of the categories, but I much prefer RPGs, strategic games and shooters. If I have the opportunity to upload a game.

Me gusta dedicar tiempo a jugar en mi computadora aunque ya no cuento con un setup muy adecuado. En mis tiempos libre suelo dedicarme a distintos juegos, me gustan la mayoría de las categorías, pero prefiero por mucho los juego de rol, estratégicos y shooters. Si tengo la oportunidad subiré algún gameplay.


On the other hand, I really like photography, although I have not had the opportunity to develop this environment too much, although whenever I have the opportunity to capture an image or landscape that I like, I do it.

Por otra parte me gusta mucho la fotografía, aunque no he tenido la oportunidad de desarrollarme demasiado este ambiente, aunque siempre que tengo la oportunidad de capturar alguna imagen o paisaje que me guste, lo hago.


I am also a bit fond of poetry, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer being my inspiration. I have also written a couple of verses and I hope to have the opportunity to share them with you.

También soy un poco aficionado a la poesía, siendo Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer mi inspiración. También he escrito un par de versos y espero tener la posibilidad de compartirlos con ustedes.

Among other of my skills is also the management and knowledge in the area of computing, basic programming in Node.js, basic electronics, logical thinking.

Entre otras de mis habilidades también se encuentra el manejo y conocimiento en el área de informática, programación básica en Node.js, electrónica básica, de pensamiento lógico.

Without further ado, it is a pleasure for me to be here. I look forward to your support, guidance, and advice to improve along the way. I hope you liked my presentation, I am eager to share my content with all of you. I wish you all a happy day.

Sin más preámbulos, es un placer para mí estar aquí. Espero contar con su apoyo, orientación y consejos para mejorar durante nuestro camino. Espero que les haya gustado mi presentación, estoy ansioso por compartir mi contenido con todos ustedes. Les deseo a todos un feliz día.

Yellow and Purple Modern Gamer MMO  Role Playing YouTube Channel Art (1).gif


Which RPGs, startegy games, and shooters do you like best? I have been playing Project Warlock recently. It's a lot like classic shooters. Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Hexen, Heretic... very retro, but also updated.

I'll delegate some Hive Power so you can do more while you await your first payout!

Thanks buddy ! all the games you named here rock!! thanks for the support I will do my best !

Que este sea el comienzo del éxito que tanto esperabas... Te deseo lo mejor y sé que aportaras grandes cosas a la plataforma. Recuerda que los comienzos pueden ser duros así que, sin desanimarte, solo hay que ser constante y diciplinado para alcanzar buenos objetivos. Interactuar con otros creadores es parte importante de este crecimiento. No lo olvides,,,,, Bienvenido a este nuevo mundo xD

Gracias por los buenos deseos y sobre todo el apoyo que me has brindado! Estoy realmente emocionado por esta nueva experiencia.

Ola @playforfun, Welcome to Hive!

Excellent introduction.

Here you will find a very healthy network.
Where you have freedom of speech and receive a lot of support for your effortin creating content.
I hope to see you flying through the communities and staying forever in Hive!
Nice to meet you!

Boelter hugs straight from Brasil!

I invite everyone to participate in the communities: HiveBR, MusicHive and SkateHive.
In addition to being a content creator, I am a Moderator and Curator in these communities.
Let's exchange ideas and evolve together.


Hi @boeltermc, that means a lot to me. I really appreciate your words, I will do my best every day to improve and keep moving forward. I'll take a look at those communities.

Welcome to HIVE, you will see that you will have fun on this platform. This first post of yours is well done

Thank you so much I really appreciate it

Bienvenido! Llegaste a la blockchain ideal para compartir tus contenidos. Seguro que sí te estaré acompañando para conocer tu dones literarios, fotográficos y más, si lo deseas, sobre el ámbito familiar. Aquí encontrarás el espacio propicio dónde publicar cada uno de tus intereses y encontrarás muchos hivers con objetivos y gustos en común.

Éxitos para ti y tu blog ☘️👏🐝🙋

Muchas gracias🥰 me alegra contar con su apoyo, estoy ansioso por compartir un poco mas de mi con ustedes.

Hello, @playforfun! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive Blockchain! Congratulations and welcome!

Well, you can explore the communities that are suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: []

For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.

The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Have a great day!

Thank you so much! I'll take a look to all the communities and the newbie guide.

hola Daniel, bienvenido a esta hermosa y diversa plataforma, tengo poco tiempo aquí y me encanta, todos son muy amables en pro de ayudar a los que estamos comenzando y me pongo a disposición para cualquier duda que tengas, espero sepas disfrutar de este gran mundo y hagas más que amigos una familia. Estoy ansiosa por comenzar a leer todo lo que tengas por ofrecer y compartir con todos nosotros, un fuerte abrazo y nuevamente bienvenido.

Hola ! Muchas gracias por tan calida bienvenida, es realmente muy agradable coincidir con personas dispuestas a brindarnos su apoyo.

Congratulations @playforfun! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s):

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Our Hive Power Delegations to the June PUM Winners
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

Welcome playforfun!
Ecency is fastest website, mobile and desktop application that improves your experience on Hive.

Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!

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Hi Daniel and thank you @edwardstobia for onboarding we met in the terminal !
Daniel you will love hive and the possibility we have here to get your music across ! A new step that needs a comment and congratulations, to say : I wish you good luck blogging here on our Hive platform and I will hopefully see you around in either the comments or on a blog.
Your blogs and comments will be appreciated and voted on to earn for work that’s done. Very satisfying and do grow your account with that . If you have questions let me know.

If you are a mobile blogger, Ecency mobile is a blogging app they also have Ecency discord

And this “ steps to take blog” :

We (@jamerussell and I ) are presenting New comers in Our @Heyhaveyamet blogs almost every day so your #introduceyourself blog might get picked to be there. There is also a Discord called The Terminal for newbies and All answers to your questions, join in, I am on Hive everyday ! You can always leave a comment.
Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands
Theterminal discord invite

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !
See you in texts online

