That 70's celebration

in OCD3 years ago

It has happened! I am at 70 reputation! Thank you very much, fellow Hivers!

Hivians? Hivies? Busy bees?

Sunrise flowers Playfulfoodie

I blame my years of absence for being this late to the 70's party, but I'm very happy and grateful that you have welcomed me back with open arms.

One of us, one of us!

Okay, so this 'reaching a milestone' thing means a little celebration post and a look back on the past, right? It's what they/we do?

My looking back all took place on the Steemit platform, where I started out when Steemit was pretty new aswell... I think.. I started blogging in the middle of my first burnout. How fitting it is that I came back here, to Hive, during my second one.

Back in the day, I blogged a lot about gaming, food and photography. I build up a nice group of followers and repliers, for which I was very grateful. Eventually, I became part of the... I think it was called Archdruid gaming community, where I became a curator, together with @jodipamungkas. We supported the gaming community as best we could with some nice upvotes and it felt good to give something back.

I also was a @curie curator for a while back then, which was pretty fun aswell. Especially when finding a nice gem from a not so well known writer. Sadly, I eventually stopped doing that once I found a job. This is when I also started losing touch with the platform altogether. My energy pool was (and still is) too limited to focus on many things.

Sunrise barn Playfulfoodie

I remember I used to host a writing contest aswell! Many awesome tales were spun for this contest and I loved reading all of them. It did take quite a bit of energy and as with the regular blogging, I eventually stopped hosting the contest. I'm playing with the idea of re-starting it again though. Just gotta work out a better way to reward the winner(s), for which the Beneficiaries option might be a nice and easy idea...

Anyway! So then I got a job and I quit blogging. Then a few years later, I got another burnout and found my way back to blogging. Surprise, surprise, then there was Hive! Lots of confusion on my end, but hey, I'll just follow the herd!

Now, next to our regular Hive and HBD tokens, there are all of these second layer tokens and I have no idea what to do with them. I sometimes hop onto to claim rewards of which I have no idea how or why I got them and to stake tokens of which I have no idea of the benefits, but I feel like I'm supposed to do so. I guess it'll benefit me in the long run? Or not? Oh well, they are there.

Now, there are also many different front-ends build on top of the Hive blockchain. I browsed a few, didn't really know what to do with them, but eventually landed on Ecency. It feels pretty nice and clean.

Playfulfoodie feather macro

So, I am now nicely settled onto the Hive platform, blissfully ignorant about a couple of things, but knowledgeable enough to get some blog posts out, reward some writers and repliers, and browse the blockchain.

I'm happy to reach this milestone of 70 reputation. Although this, too, was a confusing thing! See, the hiveblocks site told me I was 70, but all of the front-ends showed me as 69 still! So I kept quiet, because that's just a confusing way to celebrate.

So close!

But now, I am 70 everywhere! I think... Close enough anyway!

I'll conclude this little rambling of celebration, looking back and confusement with this: Thank you very much to my followers, new and old. To all of my supporters who read, upvote, and/or reply to my posts. I appreciate you all and I'm happy to be interacting with you here on this blockchain. I am sorry for not always replying quickly (or at all), I really do try. My energy is still low, so sometimes you'll have to do with an upvote alone, but know that I always appreciate you! As a manual upvoter, I might not hit all of your posts, but I try to spread the joy as much as I can when I'm around. Hopefully, it's enough.

Thank you everyone! Now, on to 75!

Thanks for stopping by! If you've enjoy this article, try my other sites:
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P.S.: All of the pictures above are created by me and available in my shop. You are not allowed to use these anywhere without my written consent and they will always require a credit back to me.


Congratulations on the milestone, i hope to join you some day. I was burning through the reputation back in the Steemit days but i took a break too for a while and now it seems just so much harder to turn the dial on the Reputation. I'll get there on one day.

Thank you! It gets harder every step. I hope you'll reach yours soon 😊

Congratulations on 70!! 😊😊😊


Thank you! 😊🤗🤗

Congratulations on joining the seventy gang!!

Thank you! My back hurts less than I thought it would!

Hehe, for now! :0D

I am at 70 reputation!

Congratulations. I am close to you with currently 66.4 reputation.

Now, there are also many different front-ends build on top of the Hive blockchain. I browsed a few, didn't really know what to do with them, but eventually landed on Ecency. It feels pretty nice and clean.

Ecency is also my favorite. I started using it on the Steem blockchain. Ecency was eSteem in the beginning.

Thank you very much to my followers, new and old. To all of my supporters who read, upvote, and/or reply to my posts. I appreciate you all and I'm happy to be interacting with you here on this blockchain.

I would like to say the same to everyone, who support me and other people.

I give you some !PIZZA.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings from Hungary.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@xplosive(5/10) tipped @playfulfoodie (x1)

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