:) I stumbled upon this while researching reward.app. I have no idea how Hive's search engine works - or UI's? - but it's just terrible. It's almost as hard to find things in it as it is in google. Interesting, but there is no proposal for this. If there is no comprehensive, constantly updated informative and introductory material for beginners that answers all questions, at least the search engine would be good...
Anyway, I found it interesting that in the last six months since I've been using Hive, I haven't seen a single advertisment anywhere. (I'm not aware of the prices.) However, seeing that they fly for $10ks per month, I don't think that 1-1 Brave ads, alternative blog ads (I specifically know that they are cheap) wouldn't fit. It would be for the potential target audiance.
Also, to find the gaps that Hive could fill efficiently and quickly. For example, I haven't seen any action to take advantage of the blog+video+stream trio.
I'm sceptic about the LeoFinance proposal, too. I hope, they can manage it, but they try to break in a totally fullfilled place. The only positive thing what I read: they want to do it through soc media influencers, hope they will pick the right ones, however, I'm sure in their case it will be bloody hard.
Long years ago, I used to write a blog, totally free, I didn't even expect to earn anything, as I supposed, I can't. Max. by participating in some kind of blogging contest. Plenty people (tried to research, the clever guys say between 30-50%) don't earn anything with their blog activity... here, even the smallest one could... huge target audiance, like 10 millions of people or more...
and strange, but not even the 'how to reach them' is the question, but more likely 'how to reach them in the cheapest way', but unfortunately, I don't even see reaching them...
don't understand why nobody does that, when there would be potential fund to cover it, looks like even people who would help them to introduce the Hive (and they know everything else).
also don't understand, why don't they fund some kind of 'update the basic information, FAQ, beginners guide in all frontends with description about everything, links to everything, main dapps description, all in one place'. that's really a small amount and definitely would pay off
especially, that it's more micro-blogging (sometimes just micro, not even blogging), those people are not like the real blog writers, readers, they won't spend hours (or more) to find the quickly necessary basic information.
anyway, good luck with yours! that's still far the best what about i heard.