**Hola amigos de hive saludos y espero que se encuentren bien, después de tantos días sin internet por fin me pudieron solucionar jeje
Hello friends of hive greetings and I hope you are well, after so many days without internet finally I could solve hehe
Después de capturar estás imágenes a los tres días las flores se marchitaron por los bichos que estás tenían en su interior.
After capturing these images, after three days the flowers wilted because of the bugs inside them.
Aunque es un poco difícil observar las dificultades los defectos, problemas que presenta cada persona representas como una flor, siempre hay que estar atento a cualquier sircunstancia para evitar que tú espíritu se marchite en el camino del proceso que quieras lograr en tu vida.
Although it is a little difficult to observe the difficulties, defects, problems that each person presents, you represent as a flower, you must always be attentive to any circumstance to prevent your spirit to wither on the way of the process you want to achieve in your life.
Que a pesar de las circunstancias de la vida, siempre hay un camino correcto, un poco fuerte y una meta por lograr.
That despite life's circumstances, there is always a right path, a little bit strong and a goal to achieve.
Siempre me dió miedo emprender, o mejor decir que nunca lo había intentado, estos últimos años he trabajado y siempre por el camino correcto, pero solo y únicamente trabajar y gastar, sin invertir y sin un futuro prometedor.
I was always afraid to start a business, or better to say that I had never tried it, these last years I have been working and always on the right path, but only working and spending, without investing and without a promising future.
Hasta estos días que me atreví a sacar moldes comprar tela y confeccionar por mi cuenta después de que se burlaban de mi proyecto en el trabajo ahora están interesados en qué les enseñe y algunos en darme dinero para invertir y ellos ganar dinero sin hacer nada que es lo peor.
Until these days I dared to take out molds, buy fabric and make my own clothes after they made fun of my project at work, now they are interested in what I teach them and some are interested in giving me money to invest and they earn money without doing anything, which is the worst thing.
A Veces hay que alejarse de personas negativas que quieren marchitar tu espíritu y no dejar entrar a los aprovechados en tu mundo, porque terminan devorando y robando todo a tu alrededor, aunque empeze con poco este fin de semana pasado,este que viene volveré con más, espero que más personas intenten arriesgarse este diciembre a emprender en lo que más saben hacer, sin importar que otros se burlen o les den malos consejos, siempre hay que mantener el pensamiento de que si se puede.
Gracias y espero que tengan una feliz noches. Luego estaré publicando algunos moldes de confección en alguna comunidad de costura.
Sometimes you have to stay away from negative people who want to wither your spirit and not let the profiteers into your world, because they end up devouring and stealing everything around you, although I started with little this past weekend, this coming weekend I will return with more, I hope more people try to risk this December to undertake in what they do best, no matter that others mock or give them bad advice, always keep the thought that if you can.
Thank you and I hope you have a happy evening. I will be posting some dressmaking patterns in some sewing community later.
Self Improvement.Hello @quinteroblack. I'm having difficulties deciding if this is more a photography post, or about self improvement. I'll let you decide and suggest two communities next time you'd like to cover similar topics. One is [Photography Lovers(https://peakd.com/c/hive-194913/created) and the other is
OCD community is for topics that don't fit in any other community and should be used when you don't find a niche community for your post.
Here's a guide I put together to help you learn about how communities work and why you should use them -> Communities Explained - Newbie Guide. I also put together a list of communities, which is not complete, there are much more communities on Hive, but it will help you get started.
Once you posted your post in the right community, you can then cross post it to OCD community. Here's a guide about cross posting.
Please don't delete any post with the purpose of reposting it in another community as that can be considered abuse! Leave this post here, you'll get it right next time.
Hola cómo estás muchas gracias, si perdí el internet en mi casa por un tiempo y olvide esa parte, gracias por los consejos