Hi Glen,
Sorry to hear that you lost your job.
Yes, these are not the best of times. What with the raging virus and the changes in Steemit, many people are finding their lives derailed. But cope we must, and life must goes on. I, too, hope to get the rhythm and normalcy back as soon as I can. Like you said - "Normalcy and routine can be boring, but they can also be quietly reassuring." :-)
Hey, Vincent.
Yes, they can. Hard to appreciate until they're gone or restricted.
I hope all is well healthwise with you and yours. Life seems to go on with or without us, so we might as well go along for the ride for as long as we can.
I don't know how much the virus is raging compared to any other illness. I just know it's front and center and apparently inescapable as far as information and crackdowns go. We seem to be into the "at all costs" measures in order to stop it, short of locking people in their homes and jailing them or shooting them on sight if they come out. That would be far, far worse than the restrictions posed now, but I'd just as soon not have to shut down the state's economy, either.