I'm on day 11 and almost out of the woods. My taste and smell went around day 6 and is barely back so far.
That is great to hear, I read your post with worry.
Cheers for visiting to read my brain splurging post Matt.
Yeah, I eat well after getting used to ketogenic diet. I'm a pescetarian... basically don't eat meat, do eat fish. Been watching myself with the carbs and making sure to stick to my habit from the keto diet to have a four egg omelette every day with kimchi and fresh spinach. I usually have salad and fish for dinner as well.
Cheers for your concern m8. I know you have been through the wars. For me, the nausea coupled with fever was one of the worst I've ever experienced. I feel instinctively that this virus goes for peoples Achilles heel.
Me with my 6 year gut condition (the nausea really was off the charts, I'm used to constant nausea but it stopped me eating for nearly a day until I realized I was gonna have to force it down), you with your asthma, this is all conjecture but I have heard such varying accounts of symptoms and from other people with underlying conditions where it seems to have been intensified.
Anyway, all that stuff aside...
Be very aware of the wheezing and how that progresses.
Will do for sure. I have always had strong lungs, but I did smoke for a long time growing up and through young adulthood. Gave up nearly 7 years ago now and shortness of breath hasn't been an issue, except due to bloating when the gut issue was so intense that the bloat was pushing up against my rib cages. That level of bloating thankfully passed about 6 months ago.
Take care your self matey and take no risks. I've got a community called The Ink Well I built on steem/hive to fret about and curate but my partner should be able to take over tomorrow and I can just sleep, meditate and ignore the online world entirely. I feel a deep need to get away from all this into a good book when I'm awake.