Hello Everybody, excited to join the Hive!

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Greetings Hive-community, I am excited to join and contribute!

Living in beautiful Vienna my offline name is Constantin and I will turn 30 years in a couple of weeks 😊

Left for me to do right now is home-officing on my PhD in sociology, where I am curios to find out more about the relationship between individual and social transformation. In this research I particularly focus on mindful leaders in social enterprises. However, I not only wish to contribute some of my research to Hive, but some journalistic and personal stories as well. If it was not for the Corona-situation I would be selling out tickets in the Viennese Bronski and Gruenberg theatre, would continue working as a Yoga-teacher and would keep engaging in the many civil society projects of @opt2o and @globalschool.

Particularly during a time of global crisis such as this, discussing ideas about how to transform individually and as a society, some of that in light of blockchain developments, is how I wish to make myself useful to the community. The original sense of the term crisis means nothing else but a turning point, to either breakdown or recovery. Accordingly, crises like the Corona pandemic, climate change or the rising numbers of psychopathologies can be seen as an opportunity. In this I feel the Hive-collective may take a leading role to help transform a global society with critical symptoms, and I want to be a part of it.
Cosmic_web_pillars from esa.int.jpg
“Cosmic web” structure of the universe. Source: European Space Agency; esa.int

If we care to continue living on our planet and if we care to grant our children the same right, a transformation towards a way of seeing and acting as interdependent beings needs to occur. In this respect a “Hive” is a great metaphor and could function as a role model for the way we need to structure our society and interact with our planet. Similar to bees in a bee-hive, which are part of their natural environment, we need to recognize, as a society, that we live in a highly interconnected, decentralized and co-dependent world, and act accordingly.

Btw, if you want to save the bees, support these guys:

save the bees.PNG
Source: fungi.com https://fungi.com/pages/bees

I can feel the enthusiasm on the Hive-blockchain and I can´t wait to see how it will develop in the future!
hive austria community Thanks to @manncpt from Option 2.0 for inviting me to Hive! I am also looking forward to engage with you in the & globalschool community founded by @mammasitta

Be kind, live long and prosper 😉

#introduceyourself #myhiveintro #community #savethebees #blog #vienna #science #science #transformation


Welcome to the hive community in Vienna, you find the @globalschool community here, too. 😉

Welcome to the hive Austria community! 😻

Welcome to the crypto blogger community🌟excited to see you rising into the hive. Continue like this, awesome intro Coco!👍

Thanks my friend!

Exciting to see more Austrians hier oder ??

The hive is real!😉

What an introduction! Welcome to hive... I wish you the very best with your journey here ♡

What a nice welcome message sister!

The warm welcoming of the community feels really encouraging :)

We are a loving community 🧡

Yes! We are !!! 💙

Herzlich willkommen auf Hive!
Es gibt übrigens auch eine Wien-Community :)

Danke Manfred!.......und eine Hive Austria Community


Allerdings! :D

Welcome Reishi, this is probably the best introduction I've read in a long time.

Thanks for your encouragement!
Let´s figure this out together :)

Welcome to hive ...
Have fun here ...
And let's take new users to hive ..
Hive is the future of blockchain.

Welmoce to HIVE
Good job

Welcome to Hive. It sounds like you're going to be a great addition to this community. Looking forward to your content. Peace.

Thanks for your kind words! Peace.

Welcome to Hive, Constantin.

Welcome to Hive! :)

Super coole introduction post von Dir! Christoph hat schon von Dir erzählt! Ich freue mich schon mehr von Dir zu lesen. Herzlichst willkommen!

Vielen lieben Dank auf jeden Fall für die liebe Begrüßung! Sobald die Lokale wieder aufmachen auch gerne mit Christoph auf einen Drink.

Na aber das ganz sicher 🥰

Ab 1.Mai soll die Ausgangssperre in Österreich erstmal aufgehoben werden und man darf sich wieder mit bis zu 10 Personen treffen.

Willkommen, bin auch schon kurz vor meinem 1. Post. Bis bald.

Schön, dich an Board zu wissen ;)

Wonderfully written introduction! Welcome to Hive and best of luck with your content. There's some great people here so hopefully you get a lot of enjoyment from interacting with this new aspect of social media. :)

Thanks for your kind words!
I feel very welcome :)

Welcome reishi!
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