On this Hive Open Mic Week 18, I compose an Acehnese Folksong that related to the theme given by @cabelindsay, SIGNS. This song is deepest coming from my heart about so many worries of the world today. I see so many signs that I believe as the signs of the end of the world. The lyrics of the song will be translated into English. You may check this video out ...
Here is the lyrics and its translation
Miseu Hana le
Gaseh ngon sayang didalam dada
If there is no more
Love exist in our heart
Miseu Hana le
Teuka inseuh keu kawom jeulata
If there is no more
Care over the poor people
Miseu Hana le
Pemimpin nanggroe Ade lam Donya
If there is no more
The great leader of the country in this world
Miseu hana le
Peuneungeuh Cahya Allah Ta'ala
If there is no one
Light us to the God's way
Nyan tanda-tanda
Donya katoe Ngon akhe masa
Those all are the signs
The earth is close to the end
Nyan rap troh teuka
Fana meugantoe deungon baqa
It comes sooner
This temporary life to the Immortality
That was the lyrics of the song. This song is actually self-remainer for me. Remaining about every seconds in life is the spiritual journey back to our creator, THE ALMIGHTY GOD..
With Love
Reza Sofyan