The Song of Aceh Tsunami Disaster (Original Song)

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Here is my post today. On this video I sing my original song that I wrote few months ago. This song is dedicated to everyone who lost their family and still survive after the Tsunami disaster in Aceh and North Sumatra on 2004. The biggest disaster that even happen on this earth. It was still fresh in my memory every seconds of those moment.

I was at my hometown at that time to renew my Identity card. Just for your information, Aceh was in the crisis because of the between Free Aceh Movement (GAM in local term) and Indonesian Army (TNI/POLRI). We lived under the high pressure. So many people passed away. Tsunami was the peak of the death which taken unnumerous victim after the daily unidentified death body found in Aceh.

I woke up at five in the morning. After pray subuh, I ran and did little excercise. Ten minutes before seven I back home and cleaned myself. It was sharp of seven o'clock when I turned on television to watch my favorite Japanese cartoon, Doraemon. Then, suddenly The earthquake shook me up. I ran out of my house. People started to scream a loud. The rest of the story was a sad with no ending when a tidal wave attacked our land and sweep everything.

Here is the Lyrics of the song and its translation..

Riwayat duka bak uroe Minggu
(The mourning story at sunday's morning)

Cerita syahdu peuro ie mata
(The sad story of draining tear)

Ie laot teuka leupah that laju
The sea tidal wave came rapidly)

Abeh dibahue lam siklep mata
(It swept everything in one blinking eyes

Mantong teuingat nibak beungoh nyan
(The memory was still fresh about those morning)

Teukeujot badan diyok le geumpa
(When my body was shakin up by the eartquake)

Lam siklep siklap runtoh bangunan
(The building fell down)

Likot nibak nyan Tsunami teuka
(The Tsunami came to us)

Weuh oh taingat seudeh teukeunang
(It was the saddest memory ever)

Lam musibah nyan manyet meubura
(The tragedy that had taken our families and friends)

Teukeudi ALLAH meunan suratan
(The destiny had already written)

Geutanyoe insan Geu ujoe bala
(We were examined by God)

Tinggai keuh jinoe tacok iktibar
(We can only take a benefit from those tragedy)

Tanyoe beusadar donya nyoe fana
(Be aware that we are not immortal in this earth

Doa beukeuh jroh keu handai taulan
(Let's pray to all survivors )

Yang jeut keu korban dalam bencana
(And the victim of the tragedy)

With Love,

Reza Sofyan


Coba pakai @threespeak, menyanyi sekaligus review bang :D

oke bro ni diricek dulu. lg dook hal lain dr kemaren