Every day Sending children to school, a happiness in itself.

in OCD3 years ago

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.

Hello All My HIVE Friends. we meet again on this very beautiful day with the weather also very friendly today and this is a Saturday weekend that we can face Sunday on vacation and hopefully today will be a cause for us to be happy from today to the future.

all of my friends, I have an assignment every day, yes, that is to take my child to school. My first child is 4 years old and he is now attending kindergarten. The school is about 1 km from our house, so I have to take my child. it every day and pick it up again.

friends, you can see for yourself that every day I take my children to school as in the photo I display in this post and this is my main activity every morning.

and this is a worship for us together how we bring our children to education so that later our children will connect our generation to become the successors of this nation and we hope that they become children who are devoted to the homeland and nation as well as religion and family.

That's a glimpse of my son Tengku Muhammad Waly Al Khalidi's story. May we all be happy always and may we all be successful together in this community. and see you again in the next post.

Setiap hari Mengantarkan anak Kesekolah , Sebuah Kebahagiaan tersendiri.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Sahabat HIVE Sekalian. kita berjumpa kembali pada hari yang sangat indah ini dengan cuaca juga sangat bersahabat hari ini dan ini adalah akhir pekan hari Sabtu yang bisa kita akan menghadapi hari Minggu berlibur dan semoga hari ini menjadi sebab untuk kita bahagia dari hari ini sampai untuk ke depan seterusnya.

sahabat sekalian semuanya Saya mempunyai tugas setiap hari ya itu mengantarkan anak saya ke sekolah itu anak saya yang pertama sudah berumur 4 tahun dan dia sekarang sudah bersekolah di taman kanak-kanak betulan sekolah tersebut berjarak sekitar 1 km dari rumah kami sehingga saya harus mengantarkan anak saya tersebut Setiap hari dan menjemputnya kembali.

sahabat sekalian bisa melihat sendiri bahwa setiap hari saya antarkan anak saya ke sekolah seperti pada foto yang saya tampilkan pada postingan ini dan ini merupakan kegiatan utama saya setiap pagi.

dan ini merupakan sebuah ibadah bagi kita bersama gimana kita mengantarkan anak kita untuk pendidikan yang nantinya anak kita akan menyambung generasi kita menjadi penerus bangsa ini dan kita berharap semoga mereka menjadi anak yang berbakti bagi nusa dan bangsa serta agama dan keluarga.

Demikianlah sekilas tentang cerita anak saya Tengku Muhammad Waly Al khalidi Semoga kita semua bahagia selalu dan semoga kita semua sukses selalu bersama dalam komunitas ini. dan sampai jumpa lagi di postingan selanjutnya.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


That's my post this time, hopefully we can all work together well and can do all our positive activities for our lives that are more advanced and more developed, see you in the next post.

Thank you very much and the highest thanks to all friends who have visited, read, shared, provided comments / criticisms / suggestions, and gave an assessment of my writing.

And I also thanks to all of my friends who are willing to visit and read my posts. Your attention and support means a lot to me.I want to thank @ocdb as a admin in this OCD the wonderful community. I really love to join here .

Thank you very much to all friends who support each other on the HIVE social media platform that we love. I hope we will continue to grow together, help each other help each other maintain mutual respect and progress and succeed together.

See you again on another occasion in the next post.

Good Luck Tgk @rijalaronaceh


Sampai jumpa lagi di kesempatan yang lain Dalam Postingan Selanjutnya.

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Tgk @rijalaronaceh

Silahkan Ikuti Pengajian Saya Setiap Hari di Link Ini :
Dayah Babussalam
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Thank you for sharing your blog post with us all. Being able to enjoy the school run with your children is a blessing. I am fortunate enough to be able to do the same before and after work each day. I invite you to use the #vyb community tag on your posts alongside #proofofbrain in order to earn Vyb tokens through upvotes on your posts from those that hold them as well the potential to earn VYB tokens if your posts are selected for curation by the VCP. Have a wonderful weekend.

Upvoted on behalf of the VCP (banner courtesy of khoola)

Oke Brother..
You're welcome..
And thank you very much for your suggestions and comments here.
I will try your suggestion.
Wish us all success always.