Hello everyone.
Freedom of speech or opinion is a freedom associated with a right or opinion or free speech without any limitation, except in the case of spreading evil.

Submission of opinions is not always done through verbal or oral statements. In a broad sense, opinions can also be conveyed by doing or not doing an action. For example, a strike as a statement of attitude rejects government policy regarding labor costs.
The state also needs to explicitly draw a line to distinguish which opinions are content protected and not protected. For the first group, a non-discrimination approach applies where the state does not interfere and restrict which content is permitted or not, both through legislation and policies issued by the government.
Conversely, the state is obliged to prohibit statements or actions that fall into the unprotected group. Although it feels difficult, we can take normative rules as a guide in making a separation of the two types of content of opinion. The content in question is content that is intrinsically considered evil or inappropriate for public presentation.
Nowadays we also see many speaking opinions that we find on social media, they say dirty words to someone or to the government. For me, it is not good if we convey it to the public because it can tarnish its good name.
Thanks to @theycallmedan