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RE: How To Get A Great Start on Hive 2

in OCD3 years ago

MANN was this helpful. I have been on PEAKD for about 2 months now, trying to post regularly on the different topics, subjects I myself am experienced and interested in. Starting from my life, people's mindsets and way of living, surroundings, fitness and gaming. Hoping to be of help to people, engage, provide some worthy and enjoyable content. So far I've met some amazing people from whom I've got to learn quite a bit. Many supportive communities and curators too, always there to support and guide me properly.

The experience so far has been nothing but amazing and quite surprising as well, I was never expecting such appreciation and support this early on. Hopefully I can carry on and keep providing enjoyable content. After so many days on this platform, I can surely say that I'm here for the long run and here to stay. Cheers and thank you for this post. 🥃♥️

 3 years ago  

That's awesome to hear! There can be a lot of support early on nowadays. Back in the old days it took a lot of time and work to find that support. Fortunately, you have come at a great time and your interests seem to be one of the fastest growing topics here on Hive... Gaming!

The real rewards, imho, are the friends we make along the way. There are some amazing communities and curators around. Super glad to hear your experience has been awesome so far! Keep up the great work and it only gets better from here.

Check out the last post before this one if you want some more helpful tips! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
Cheers bro!

Yeah real reward is the clout. Network is your networth literaly with hivepower and upvote economy. I want to make people see my vision of celebrities in hive blog.. using it like reddit for AMAs... with hive post comment sections of their celebrity blogs FULL of incredible comments with upvotes... amazing memes getting thousands of dollars worth of hive rewards and it will feel like a game show. Some comments sections may end up going on for ever and ever stacking more memes and rewards

No lie there brother, our network surely is our net worth haha 🥃

 3 years ago  

That's an interesting concept to have a comment section going on forever and ever rewarding and rewarding all the way into the future.
Got me thinking now... and i'm not even done catching up with comments... hahaha

however there is a limit to replies with how they show up, can only see wo many on screen at once

and i found out by trying to post large amounts of text to the comments (like the bible, or trumps twitter archive lol) that you run out of available kilobytage to comment etc atleast MY account did, lol i used that as a use case business example for how we can tell trump supporters they have to buy enough Hivepower to post his entire twitter archive onto the blockchain all at once by i dunno, having a million hivepower delegated for a few grand? It wouldnt be very expensive, cheaper than doing it on ethereum or any other chain right?

imagine the elon musk comments section, people would just be posting replies forever why wouldnt they. memes and all the crap you see on his twitter , sooo much spam, but guess what? they have to have hivepowerto spam so we all win and the spammers get tired of having to PAY to spam and theyll get downvotes or removed from fronte nd toof or spamminge tc

i think elon would enjoy that gamified free market aspect to OUR comment section which twitter completely just lacks

look guys one day very soon in the next year or few years elon will discover or pretend to discover hive /steem/ dpos/eosio and hell get a lil angry when he finds out how advanced curation and delegation and hivepower really are... and hell start asking why reddit and fb or twitter never implemented this stuff.... (even tho twitter has talked directly about steemit referencing all of steempower and delegation curation in their appendix of project blue sky white paper leaked on eos forum . anyway

and now they have like DAN LARIMER and JESTA? wtf??yeah elon is gonna be like "Why the hell didnt you guys ever use steemit? " hes gonna ask why they dont use it at tesla to farm the internet for ideas and make the peopel who come up with the best ideas moderate and curate the other new ideas in a huge chain ... originally starting with TSLA power from tesla share holders as stake weighted voters and the tesla foundation where tesla employees can also help decice how to steer the DAC and the proposal system , and the EDF, so hive and telos and eos structure could make tesla sooo efficient, and when you find out about the grimes telos newlife @stellabelle conspiracy haha you realize they are already deep into the eosio world, and then yous ee warren redlich with @jesta and @dan , warren does tesla investing youtube videos and knows the tesla third row podcast peopel who do podcasts with elon in real life etc, theyre all in the MENSA nerd club together lol


so i mean when we have infinite comment wars and meme battles under the comments of un deletable posts from people like elon musk when he joins a dpos style site .... we can look back to when his people liek warren redlich here were talking to @jesta and @dana nd the eos BP (their version of witnesses) guy ... what could they be talking about? Obviously something to do with elon as warren almost kinda exclusivly makes posts ABOUT investing elons companies ... at least those are the only ones worth watching or have views etc etc

this guy is talkin to DAN? OUR DAN??? and dans making his ID system for eos, and hive and wax, @edenos hes expressed what i believe is interest in using hive blogs with eos edenos smart contract and wax atomichub nfts for ID system that uses @jesta 's Greymass wallet with finger print and face id biometrics on phones already working ... it all sorta plugs in like legos ... hopefully even to Hive Authentication Services style tech so its all there boom one big ID system that allows for public and private anonymous accounts depending on how many chains you want to be on or how "safe" you want to be or what kind of "safe"

so he also has the CLARION blogging thing so yeah that may use hive and eos and then yeah we can have reward pools upvotes downvotes all the steemit style rewards with decentralized ads and @hivepress @dclick style tech that we know works....

I surely have met some amazing people. I just hope it stays this way, as we all grow, support each other and create a supportive network and community.

And I will surely be checking out the previous post of yours, I thank you once more. Cheers brother, much love ♥️🥃