Singing on stage for the first time is heart-wrenching! The funny thing about this is that actually being on stage isn't something you imagine it to be, but let me give you some tips on how to handle it:
Practice! Forgetting everything when it comes to the stage is mostly a myth; It is more likely that the person did not exercise enough. Once you practice again and again you will know the difference. while you're fighting pressure, being able to fall back in your understanding of the material can be a lifejacket in your overall performance.
it's all in your head. As Fleming Lips said, The Will Always Negotiates Defeat. If you go overboard thinking that your performance will be poor, don't be surprised when it will. Live performance is a fight. To fight this, make sure you've won your head fight first. Just calm down and go into it with a clear head.
Inner ear: The biggest disappointment for most artists is that they are not as good as they want to be. The problem is that they don't see it as a strength. The fact is that after listening to music and watching a performance, your mind and your ear are so strong that you know what to look for. This is a very important point and is your most valuable asset. You know what makes a good performance because you have the ability to sort out the bad from the good. But you've never been on stage, so you won't know the bad of being on stage yet. Performing on stage will give you the knowledge you need to deliver the performance you want in the future. For now, it's all a learning experience. Pay attention and absorb as plenty as you could. Develop your instinct and your inner ear.
Miscellaneous: If all that is a little too deep, here are some simple points. I. Practice breathing and vocal warm-up, you can find a lot on YouTube. Try them all. I have been humming my famous national anthem twice. Second. Know your voice It's all part of the exercise, but if you don't know your limits, you'll be on stage without a rudder. Clarify and see what you like. Sing aloud at home/school/etc. Find out how loud you can be, Scream! Be familiar with your limits. Know what sound is going to come out of your mind before singing. Your speech is an instrument, be its master. III. Find someone to practice with. Having a friend who knows more than you do will help exercise your confidence and knowledge (even if they are bad!). Plus, it helps to be reminded that you're not the first to perform in front of a crowd. Fourth. Have fun Cliche but true. In the end, it's just a demonstration. Since you are just starting out, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Whatever you practice, anything can and will happen on stage. Just accept it, have fun, learn and you will be fine!