The future is now. I don't pull regrets anymore for missing out on Bitcoin and Ethereum any longer because I have been given a better chance at hive. Yes, web 2.0 has been a major problem for people who are deep into this stuffs. For most people out there, I am sure they have no clue what Web 3.0 is all about and they keep on exploring in the centralized media.
Well, I believe sooner, the world will fully be shifted to the age of the decade - Web 3.0
This is the dream, that the world would wake up to a decentralized Web but the thing is those of us already onboard how well are we utilizing the very vast space of hornets nectar. Are we mining the full potentials of the hive protocol, or are we barely keeping our heads above the waters for fear of sinking.
Hive is an ocean how many of us are living it up?
Good question for the hive community. But if you ask me, so far so good, I think we are doing well here on this block chain. From the developers down to the promoters. One step at a time ⌚