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RE: Finally, a buy point

in OCD5 years ago

I suppose at some stage I'll have to figure out what that type/side stuff means.

Earning from content creation is a fickle business at best and I find it incredible that people rely on it at all.

People do (and I'm not even talking about crypto). But yes most definitely flakey and fickle and anyone who has ever done the Patreon/ko-fi thing will be familiar with this and thus unsurprised when they come here. I guess the ones that haven't might struggle though XD

what percentage are willing to buy with off Hive earnings and power up

Does steem count? That's all I got atm XD And probably the best that's gonna come out of me for a while until I get brave enough to think about tackling exchanges.


I guess the ones that haven't might struggle though XD

And they do..... :D

Does steem count?

Yes indeed! It is an external currency.