I can talk to this blue sky.

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone hope you all are doing well. Today i'm here with a photography blog. Hope you all will enjoy reading this blog.And one more thing, We all are passing through a tough time right now during this corona virus pandemic. The second wave of corona viruses is spreading rapidly so please stay home and stay safe. Wear a mask if you go out at any necessary cause.


Divice:Mi note 10.

Ever spent a night under the open sky? If your answer is no, you have missed a lot of good things in life. The open sky, the darkness and the silence all around are really captivating. It's a really good experience.The sky has always been my choice. I can talk by looking at the sky. A lonely man looking at the sky and looking for his loved one. Trying to talk to the sky. I'm alone too. Sometimes I need someone to talk to and listen to me. And understand what I did not say. But unfortunately I don't have any such people. That's why I talk to sky. I think the sky listens to me. That's helps me overcome my loneliness. This is the power of nature Nature has all the strange weapons to make the mind better.Nature is the source of spending time for people like me. I've spent so many nights staring at the sky. I laughed to myself. Above the sky down I had a cigarette in hand enough to spend my night. Try to take the experience of talking to sky at least once in your life.


*I wrote a description of the night sky above. But today's sky was more captivating. This form of sky in the light sun in the afternoon is really a lot to receive. And also refreshes the mind.

so that's all for today. See you all in mynext blog. Wish everyone's good health untill then.

And one more thing, Such a form of healthy world is really very captivating. Inshallah, the plague called Corona will be eradicated from the world I waited for that good day.

Thanks for reading.