My words about my country and flood

in OCD3 years ago

Hello friends Each of us humans have interests, one loves photography, one loves food, and the other loves nature. I am most interested in nature, I enjoy seeing different places and flower scenes and relax
I believe that nature is not always beautiful, sometimes the anger of nature is visible. These days, I feel a heavy sadness in my country, Iran, a strange sadness has spread throughout the country. I call this the wrath of nature.
Of course, this crisis is caused by the inefficiency of the managers of this field, who have not considered a solution for the possibility of flooding.
Over time, the roads have been turned into green spaces and recreational areas, and when it rains, after the mountains, the water pours down and causes floods.
When abundant water finds a way to pass, it damages farms, houses, and cities. This week, we witnessed torrential rains.

I gather these photos from google:

that some of my dear compatriots lost their lives, there is still a flood warning, the only thing I can say is that I wish for patience for my people

And I urge them to take care of themselves and their families in these days and go to places where there is a possibility of danger
While there is no escape route and the crisis managers have not considered a way to collect the flowing water
We are in a season where it doesn't rain so far, now we are witnessing strange rains in the summer season
Some people are still missing. The mudslide caused by the flood prevents the bodies from being found
Isn't this the anger of nature? Isn't this the face of nature? I searched for the reason of these rains
I read and found out that the cause of the recent floods is the Monsoon phenomenon
They say that this atmospheric phenomenon is towards Muscat and Aden and the moisture of this system is from the Persian Gulf towards Iran
which causes temporary rainstorms, lightning and rain, high heat in the ground causes pressure reduction and helps the air to go to higher layers

On the other hand, another air must come and take its place, this air comes from the ocean and water surface
which, of course, brings moisture with itself, this moisture becomes a shining cloud, which is called the release of latent heat
This phenomenon causes the creation of explosive clouds on land, which in the end brings the same torrential rain.

that this phenomenon is currently afflicting our country, all this is the result of manipulation of nature
which is how some people pay for it, in any case, what is formed in our mind from the word flood is destruction and annihilation.
I wish health and patience for my compatriots and all those who are suffering from this flood
The photos I sent are from Iranian news sources

Thank you for reading my content

 3 years ago  

It always saddens me seeing this type of damage from nature.

Please make sure to always cite your sources by providing direct links to the images. You’ll also need to be mindful of which images you’re okay to use vs the ones that could lead to copyright issues. It’s always best trying to pull images from sites that offer them for free like Pixaby. You can also use in-house images from the Stock Images Community as well.

For future reference this type of post could be shared in the Amazing Nature Community.

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posts that do not fit in any of the other communities.

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Thank you ~

Thank you for your kind reply, sure I will do it, I am new in here, I will learn more as I am posting more. Thanks for guide too