The leadership in you

in OCD5 years ago


Hearing the word servant used for the leader is quite ambiguous, but still it is implemented in many organizations. A perspective arises if the controller becomes the servant it will affect the decision making with regards to the firm. One view point of Ross and his colleagues (2020) is, a leader makes decisions which are the most fruitful for the organization, allowing other people to be creative creating a network for effective working in the organization. Many researches have come to a conclusion that leaders have a an avid role in nurturing up and coming employees under their command letting uniqueness show at the workplace hence earning monumental respect from employees (Patrnchak 2016). This has created a new division of leadership and in the present corporate world, out of a few noteworthy businessmen, the CEO of Starbucks, Kevin Johnson is considered one, practicing servant leadership to his core. The future that Johnson seeks is to nurture his workforce and give special recognition to the stakeholders of the company that is the vision he seeks. The proposition laid is commended in the corporate world, as both financial and social gains are obtained in a democratic structure in the organization. To backup the claim, Forbes magazine stated that leadership is applied to each and every individual in the establishment and employees should work in perseverance in achieving their goals. (Boone, 2018). It is the job of the leader practicing such methods to keep all the workers and stakeholders at the same page and strive to reach a common ground keeping the same pace all around the organization. Increasing the focus of the workforce in reaching the goal and building self-esteem brings employees together to achieve targets. The factors that provide conceptual methods, keeping followers first, self-empowerment, behaving in a ethical manner and building solid emotional perseverance. They are homogenous to the Starbucks core features mentioned below.

• The main objective is to focus on energy and helping their human resource department in nurturing their own creativeness in maximizing productivity, which is backed up by the numbers regarding the company’s financial position.
• Secondly they prefer building strong ties with workers and customers creating a friendly working environment, strengthening the well-being of everyone and creating better business.
• Communication within the organization and Collaboration with each other play a necessary role in creating quality and cost effectiveness, leading to positive customer feedback.
• Starbucks always welcomes new ideas and supports its employees to bring innovativeness to compete with the market.
These factors show that Starbucks strongly follows the protocol of servant leadership, which is the key aspect of their success in the highly competitive market.

The report on the CEO and his planning shows that the theory of servant leadership is based on the Appreciative Inquiry Process as the CEO caters to all the suggestions of all stakeholders and formularizes a policy with a blend of professional experiences and strong credentials of the employees (Miles et al., 2018). The sense of ownership unleashes employees’ true potential, which shows in the annual reports of the organization.

Above discussion shows that Starbucks is using its human resource in strategic way to improve their productivity level; there is an era for Starbucks which turns their profit into losses due to the immense competition in the market. Hence, the strategy of taking the concerned people on board and use servant leadership style and appreciative inquiry process to unleash the true potential of the employees. This approach impacted on the social and financial standing on the organization as the significant difference is seen in the financial position of the Starbucks.

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