Why My friend left NGO work.

in OCD4 years ago

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Interviewed a friend regarding his work as an NGO, and here is his point of view and why he has left the work. What is your opinion on this, I guess he is right upto a point but this work should still be kept on.

I won’t be personally or with any NGO / formal body will be working for social welfare this ramazan. I have been doing this since the past 6 years or so and have done it with all my heart feeding millions over the years.

I have been criticized for a lot of things I was young crazy and a badass but I have done this one thing without keeping anything for myself or getting anything out of it. No awards , no media interviews, never called a channel for coverage, no special guest shit and not the angel image on social media.
I’m so happy to see a lot of guys who came as Volunteers and went on to make NGOs and doing things on their own now leading their own things to welfare.

I won’t ever boost about it but I did made social welfare cool via social media and making vidoes before anyone started doing it. YES it was my brainchild to covert this good deed into a brand on social media so people can join and work for a larger cause.

The biggest reason is I don’t have time since practical life took over and I have never taken 1 rs from funds for me personally even when it was legally allowed to have a salary. The other reason is I don’t now at this point think giving someone things for a month to last of a 1 time meal will help the country in any way. Yes you’ll get sawab and everything but it’s not for the country.

I have seen the system up close and personal a lot of times , I have been held by people I can’t put up , threatened by teachers belonging to political parties because I was outspoken, blamed , ganged up , made memes on , criticized, false allegations and everything you can think off but I held up my head and continued to do it with the same zeal and passion since it started when I was in college.

My dad always told me : you feed a guy he will be there with 2 more the next day. I saw this very close when we started rozgar setup and none of the people we tried to help ran the setups with interest because they were more interested in “help”. He always say “revolution needs blood” and when the masses know they will be fed they won’t rise and won’t work harder to move up and this cycle goes on for generations. I never got it maybe I was not that mature to understand what the man meant but I get it now. I get it deep down and I do say it to people as well.

We as a nation need to develop skills and ways to earn rather then all these billions of rupees spent on Rashans and dastarkhuwans. Im not criticizing the people who do it for the religious aspect you are right I’m talking about “social welfare for Pakistan” which this all will never achieve and never did in the past as well. If that’s the case Pakistan won’t be this poor and corrupt as it is.

Now if an NGO announces a school they will get no funds as soon as you say biryani distribution people go crazy on funds so we as a nation need to think that as well.


Now if an NGO announces a school they will get no funds as soon as you say biryani distribution people go crazy on funds so we as a nation need to think that as well.

Many NG organizations are against Islam. They have some goals specially promoting secularism a d and Eliminate our social values. That's why people don't trust on such NGOs
I think so....

Yes can be one reason for it too.