Reviviendo teléfono mojado 🥵

in OCD2 years ago

Saludos mis queridos amigos de hive el día de hoy quisiera compartir con ustedes esta reparación que realice . Les contaré un poco sobre el equipo que tenía el día de hoy como de costumbre voy a trabajar y va una señora a mi local que la habían recomendado que yo podía solucionar su problema ..

Greetings my dear hive friends today I would like to share with you this repair that I made. I will tell you a little about the equipment that I had today as usual I go to work and a lady goes to my place who had been recommended that I could solve her problem ..

Me cuenta que su equipo se Había mojado 😱😱 pero con orina. 🥵 Bueno le. Pregunte si lo había encendido y entré otras. Cosas. De rutina para poder. Diagnoticar que sucedía con el teléfono. Decidí destapar y me encuentro con ésto

He tells me that his team had gotten wet 😱😱 but with urine. Good le. I asked if he had turned it on and I entered others. Stuff. Routine to power. Diagnose what was happening with the phone. I decided to uncover and I find this








Cómo pueden observar estaba súper. Sulfatado con el orín y el agua. Bueno Luego de un gran trabajo y una buena limpieza logré encerder su teléfono celular

As you can see, it was super. Sulfated with urine and water. Well after a lot of work and a good cleaning I managed to turn on his cell phone


Que feliz y contenta estaba la señora con su teléfono encendido ..
Bueno amigos espero sea de su agrado mi post gracias por leerme bendiciones

🙏🥳🥳🥲 How happy and content the lady was with her phone on.. Well friends I hope you like my post thanks for reading me blessings


DIYHub community for the future as OCD is for topics that don't fit in any other community and should be used when you don't find a niche community for your post.Hi @sheshe12. I see you've been posting these 'repair' type of topics in OCD. I'd like to suggest

Here's a guide I put together to help you learn about how communities work and why you should use them -> Communities Explained - Newbie Guide. I also put together a list of communities, which is not complete, there are much more communities on Hive, but it will help you get started.

Once you posted your post in the right community, you can then cross post it to OCD community. Here's a guide about cross posting.

Please don't delete any post with the purpose of reposting it in another community as that can be considered abuse! Leave this post here, you'll get it right next time.