How can we bring more people to steem.

in OCD5 years ago

Facebook and twitter has above billion members. If i am not wrong steem has around 20k member. Compare with facebook and twitter , it is very very few.My question is why steem has very limited member.While steem came as a blockchain based social media platform, most of the people was known about crypto. So, there were a challenge to get acceptence from people. I think from this situation steem overcome successfully.

Now 2020. After a golden month(decmber 2017) crypto got huge popularity.Some people says it is a easy way to be rich quickly. I also support it. But every financial market has own investing style. I can not get rich anytime to invest in crypto. I have to wait for proper time.It is related with financial facts and investment. I want to remove that investment and focus on to steem social media platform.Where anybody can earn without investment.


Steem platform has given rewards daily to member for their highly contribution to make steem a strong community.We are related with different purpose. I am contributing here to make articles, as a author.We have seen so many steem member here who or whom contributing here by investment.They never make a articles.They only curate to others articles.

Steem ecosystem is a very unique. Anybody can not understand first until a experience steemians make known him.I point out this unique system which has no availablity on other social media platform like facebook and twitter.

Another important things is steem not approve account immidietly. They take time to make a new account with 15 steempower.Which power uses as a some post, comments,following others. But steem has another way where a new member can make accounts instant by paid some steem.


Now, i want to discuss about some new way.By which we can bring our friends and family to steem. Lots of people are doing #posh on other social media platform.It is very effective way to make known to others about steem platform.

We can gift free steem account (paid by us) to a new member

Most of the people like to take anything free.It is a common nature of human.I am sharing just my experience. I informed some friends about steem. They were interested.But when i told them steem take 1 or 2 weeks to approve new account.Then they have been confused. I also told them about alternative way to make steem account by pay. Those people did not get it positively.They asked me why steem take money to make a new account instant.They also said me facebook and twitter never take money to approve a new account.


That time i said them facebook twitter never pay to member for make a thread or picture or video.But they did not want to pay money to make a new account. I have faced these type of problems. So, i think we can gift account to a new member (friends or family). By this process we will get lot of new member. I also made free account here which took around 3 days to approve. After that i have been more confident to stay here.

So, main thing is bring people here by any way.After that he will find a better things, he will decide how to use his brain to survive here.

By huge promotion


We are doing this things on other platform.We are promoting steem specially on twitter. I think we got so many new member from twitter in last 2 month.We have to continue this promotion and spread it to other social platform also.Sometimes @upmewhale @ocdb @ocd @anomadsoul @appreciator @theycallmedan @blocktrades arrange new contest. We can promote this contest result to other social media.Specially on twitter and facebook.People like to join contest and want to win.It is another nature of human.

Curate to see a highly effort post.Not curate by see only rank.

Sometimes i feel hopeless, when i see a certain community member get curation by his own curatorship.It is totally unethical and it can discourage a hard working man who always do hard work to make a highly effort content.

This is unpleasant but i have to say.If curation rewards only distribute between own community or own curator then we can not save steem.People must be discourage.We have to curate a valuable content who are holding any reputation rank.

@threespeak @dtube @tipu has so many curator. I never say they are not good.They make this service to curate others. But some bad curator always use it to give curate each other. This service is not for friendship.A whale select you as a curator to curate others post fairly.

This things break a new comer confidence.They lose enthusiasm. We have to improve us in this matter.Otherwise we can bring member here.But can not keep them here long time.


@ocd is the example of fair community. I observe their work. They have good curator who only curate good content. They also take responsibility to promote steem to other social media. @ocd curate people for post promotion to other social media.

By arranging seminar locally

We can arrange seminar about steem locally. I can do it in my city by my cost. I said before, steem is not a money machine platform. We have responsibility and duty. We can spend some time to discuss with new people about steem.If theycallmedan and ocd curate to other member to promote steem on other social media, then why we are still mute. We also do our promotion with our ability.

I got this idea when i saw a forex broker named hotforex arranged a seminar in my city last year. Most of the people of that seminer was unknown about forex. I also attend that seminar as a experienced forex trader.

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Great! Are you an indian?

Bangladeshi. I can speak hindi. No problem.

I love ❤steem
Great articel friend

It seems that a very common problem among all block-chain based social networks is that the content on them is almost exclusively about cryptocurrency and the dapps that are associated with them. Unless content on a more broad range of subjects starts getting generated there's never going to be any interest from the general public.

This problem honestly isn't specific to the social applications either. There are lots of games and other applications that seem to be a cryptocurrency or a block-chain with an application on the side rather than the other way around. User retention for Ethereum as a whole is looking great but for the smaller projects like Steem, Tron, IOS, NEO etc it's not looking great.

Congratulations @shharafat!
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