Ramadhan is over today with the echo of Eid al-Fitr takbiran which is simultaneously echoed in every place. Even so, this Ramadan left memories for me as an older sister who has a talented younger sister. On 28 Ramadhan, my heart was very happy to welcome the victory that was obtained by my younger sister who became the first winner in two branches of the MTQ (Musabakah Tilawatil Qur'an) competition which was held in my beloved village.
As a brother, of course, I am very grateful to have a younger brother with an IQ above 200% above the average because the competition he is participating in is very tight, because there are many old champion candidates participating. From the two branches he participated in, namely reading the book of I'yannah and being smart, he succeeded in coming out as first place.
maybe this is my effort to immortalize with hive/peakd as a form of support and joy for the achievements of my sister.
thank you for the pride #sister