I love this post, as it points out the old adage *Even a stopped clock is right twice a day".
I can't say that I agree with authoratarinism, I am against it, but I can't disagree with the government encouraging it's children to get outside and play, and by extension or net effect play video games less LOL
I love all things technology, and video games and the ever increasing quality of the graphics are wonderful to watch. But more importantly I love the hybridization of blockchain and video games, the so called Blockchain games, where you earn money playing video games. The technology used in these endeavors will eventually bleed over into other areas like decentralized finance, and I believe the gaming envirnment is a great one to test software code for vulnerabilities, as gamers live to find and exploit such weaknesses to their advantage. LOL
It will be interesting to see if the above government can enforce such a rule, but I guess if you go to the source, the game manufacturers and introduce code limiters it maybe possible. As in all things "you never know what you can do, until you try". Oh the irony of an authoritarian government proving the validity of once again an old adage meant to encourage people to stretch beyond their limits by limiting people.