People believe that they are individuals. Seeking their relevance from any group.
This post is not about current political events or climate. But it is probably relevant to what is going on in the world today and in general. A world that we have created all ideas. The extreme polarization of all positions, the zation of all people, the public discourse has descended into a screaming match where the winner is considered to have the most intense voice in him. Because they will gather the most attention.
I believe that many things arise from our own arrogance. Attachment to who we think we are. We are known as a group, our identity. This is not a new idea. We’ve been fighting identity for as long as we’ve survived, but the game has changed. We fight with those of us. Our weakness can be scaled and operated on. It can turn against us and turn against each other. Thinking that we are making choices. This is how we feel about them.
It is a manipulation of culture, to transform culture into a free-battlefield. Where each of us continues to fight across each other’s boundless borders. Each took on immediate importance as it drove into our iLine. For a new diet cola like the ad. And, because it feels like it’s our choice and choice. It is our identity, so just as we protect its own skin, it is ours.
However, there is more to it than just fighting for ideals. Because, as I’ve written before, we’re fighting for relevance - I believe that the real driver behind this polarization is a discussion of duplication, lack of hearing, and abundance that inevitably leads to a thousand forms of violence.
We have created a world that encourages attention at all costs and has supported and rewarded it at the highest levels of society. At the same time, it reduces the protection of who we are. The best among us is picking cherries and pedaling from all over the world and the rest of us pushing before life is detached, including the lifetime of the moment our thumbs and the materials given in the wires. We are becoming automatic from our jobs and energy relationships have been displaced by swiping left or right. We have made ourselves disposable and enslaved to attract the attention of strangers with a restless mind and a desire to change the direction of the wind.
Anger is the fastest way to create words, to gain speed - so we have joined groups that raise our anger, aiming our energy at the enemy. Enemies who are our neighbors, our friends - an unnamed fragment of the news cycle and the latest social panic are the things that come out of the trend. And since we feel that it is important. This is something that we really strongly feel, we spread aggression until there is violence. But we are part of something, a movement and a side that is good - such as the enemy must be bad.
However, they also benefit, they are also being managed to protect their identity. The same method, the same platform, the same data, the same profile, the same underlying desire - by profit. It is unbelievable to think that the whole breakdown of society is going to be managed by a handful of companies who will benefit from the process and have nothing to do with it. But keep feeding our desires. With an automated system we keep giving what we want, without any supervision.
We want attention, we want to be superheroes. And without a supervillain as a counterpoint - there is no way to be a superhero to a crime partner. By inventing enemies and doubling we build our relevance. Unless we are gelatinous, we can justify the loss of innocent people by tearing apart cities. Defeating the enemy is an acceptable expense. Being our opposite means our purpose.
Purpose is the meaning of life
We all probably feel the pull with some purpose. Someone needs to find the reason for our existence. We should find a sense of why we are here and what we should do with our time. Maslow spoke of self-realization and now instead of discovering it for himself through experience and activity we can gain as much attention and benefit from us as possible by an algorithm that presented the ideal to us. Which in the world of the importance of identity, inevitably frames us as the best or the worst. Above or beyond others hold him. We are never different equivalents.
The whole platforms are in competition with each other. The ball tends to be absolutely unimportant. But with the focus on rewards, we feel we are important. We are relevant to this world, anyone cares. The winner is the one with the highest voice, who gets the most likes. The one who is able to rally the most people in support, is forced to force the enemy.
People die from cancer, poor nutrition and contract help. Children die from mosquito bites and one billion do not have access to clean water. When air, sea and land become toxic in uninhabited places. We think the conversations we have are true about our identities. The violence we apply is justified, we are good agents.
How does the concept of social relevance relate to solving a shared problem? What else could we do instead of redirecting all the agencies that have spent on this bullshit?
We want purpose and we have lost reason.