Having said that, we need some standout-content-creators to come on board I think. People with huge followings, notable and interesting people...
Point. Question is: How is this possible?
You know, Medium picked up pace, right? It has gone from nothing to being one of the most preferred choice for everyone. And now they are paying handsomely to writers. Sure, there's censorship (which is oddly magnified) but the rewards are not bad either.
Anyway, I don't really know I guess...I just create some stuff, throw it out there and hope some of it sticks, that a few finds some value in it.
Haha! We are in the same boat. We are few in numbers. It will grow - yes. With time - for sure. My proposal was to accelerate this process of growth. :)
Guess not enough interest here. Another 2-day-research - 2-year-experience - content meets dead-end. Sigh.
I don't have the answers I'm afraid...What people out there want, what they respond to...I just don't know. I mean what made Facebook and Instagram so popular? I have no clue.
You are smart!
Lol...Where were you when my high school teachers said I'll never amount to anything!