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RE: Beginner’s Guide: How To Create Your Perfect Hive Featured Image

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

It is a good choice.

As mentioned, Snagit is paid, so that's an issue. I am using since 6+ years now. Really used to it. :)

If you can find some time, and try all...

You can know. You should be comfortable with the tool.

So best to start with online tools — as you don't have to download anything.

You can try Canva.

I used it today for the cops... and they printed it out. Requires registration.

There are several online image editing tools around.

To repeat: Anything that makes you comfortable? Go with it. The process is always the same.


befunky is inexpensive $ 59 and there is Russian there - I’ve been digging around now and everything is intuitively clear - I’ll still not learn in a hurry.

befunky is inexpensive $ 59 and there is Russian there - I’ve been digging around now and everything is intuitively clear - I’ll still not learn in a hurry.

For some reason, I really don't want you to spend money. Please do check this list:

As mentioned, you need to try a few more. As I have found Snagit way before... I am very comfortable.

Feel free to ask me anything!