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RE: Please bleed

in OCD5 years ago

I don't know exactly how it knows

There a specific hormones that get released when you're under stress, physical or mental. I'm not entirely sure though if a microchip in a watch can non invasively detect it.

Get a little negative feedback though - and they fall apart, rant, rave and throw tantrums like toddlers

This comes from insecurity. To become a self-proclaimed master at anything means they probably haven't had approval. I'm not saying approval of others is necessary if you're good enough. But to a lot of people not having approval leads to doubting themselves, even if they are actually good.


There a specific hormones that get released when you're under stress, physical or mental.

I am guessing that the hormones create some kind of physical reaction that can be "predicted" in some way. I don't think it is accurate, but it does seem to be in the ballpark. I don't mind stress, it helps me grow.

The entire internet seems to be a cesspool of approval seeking behavior.

create some kind of physical reaction

It does, but they are quite non specific. So it's about guessing lol! But interesting that it's nearly correct!

I will have to read up on it and see what it is doing