That double-stake of the fork would have helped her out, it came too late. I met Sharon in Bangkok and chatted with her on several occasions.
It always feels strange to me when someone dies who I have interacted with and gives me goosebumps. Maybe they know I'm thinking about them up there somewhere.
@goblinknackers traded her some BAHT for STEEM as she needed cash. He's shocked too.
RIP Sharon (@fitinfun).
Oh it was @goblinknackers who traded her between Baht and STEEM! It was only our practice here in Malaysia but I remembered she shared with me in Bangkok how she was asking around with the method we started in our discord many moons ago and that got her to get some baht to move around.
Yes, it was a shock to me too. I tried to call her when she first posted her plea to raise funds but she was hardly receiving her calls. I guess at that time she was already frailing; and with the COVID-19 outbreak, none of us could go to see her hospital as it was one of the main hospitals that treats COVID-19 (on a different floor) in Kuala Lumpur and we were under lock-down.
I do wonder if this virus was the last straw and finished her off? There's no sign of it slowing here despite the lockdown imposed.
According to her death report, it was only pneumonia LA; although one of the signs of COVID-19's death is pneumonia.
The only consoling news I have of her is she died in her sleep peacefully.