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RE: Looking for Good Authors with Low Reputations that get Bad Rewards

in OCD5 years ago

and comments you get a lot, wow :)

It's not usually this crazy, I have spent all morning looking at these potentials and have picked a few out. I will recommend @steevc also adds them to @tenkminnows so they have on-going support.

..and that's really it, 'on-going support'. I follow around 230 people, any more and it gets unmanageable. I don't want to miss content and even then I can't possibly read all of them.

Oww, BTW, I think it is a good decision you made to start using a more generic MUSIC community.

Yes, I'm not one of these steadfast people who won't concede. If mine doesn't work, then join a bigger on that does.

Something good that I see happening for musicians, some of the cool ones are finding communities like GEMS and get regularly big votes there. Not a music community, but at least they get the appreciation.

It's better than bid-bots! I'm all for GEMS and what it stands for.