I want to extend my heartfelt condolences to you on the passing of your dear mother. Your blog post touched me deeply, and I admire your courage and vulnerability in sharing such a personal journey with us. Losing loved ones is never easy, and the pain of unexpected loss can be especially devastating.
Your decision to prioritize family and make the move back to Alberta resonates with me. It's heartwarming to see how you're creating opportunities for your children to connect with extended family, fostering stronger bonds and making cherished memories. Life's unpredictability serves as a reminder to seize each day and embrace change, even when it's challenging.
The images of the rainbows you encountered on your drive through the Rocky Mountains brought tears to my eyes. It feels like a beautiful sign from your mother, her way of comforting you and letting you know she's still with you in spirit. Such moments of serendipity can provide solace during times of grief and serve as a reminder of the enduring love we hold for those we've lost.
Thank you for sharing your story with us, for reminding us of the preciousness of time, and for encouraging us to live authentically and fearlessly. Your words touched my heart, and I'm sure they resonate deeply with many others who have experienced loss or faced difficult decisions in their lives.
May you find strength, healing, and peace as you navigate the ongoing journey of grief. Remember that you're not alone, and your mother's love will always be a part of you. Cherish the beautiful memories you shared and keep her spirit alive in your heart.
Wishing you comfort and brighter days ahead.
Wow, thank you so much for this beautifully written response. I truly appreciate you taking the time to read through my post, and your heartfelt words.
Yes, I think those rainbows were definitely a message from my mom. I feel her presence often... I describe it as that feeling when you're at home and there's someone in another room - you can't see or hear them, but you can feel that they are there. It feels very different from being home alone. When you have such a close bond with someone, I think you are tuned to their energy, and can feel it in ways that others might not.
All of this has certainly pushed me to live a more authentic life, and to not take anything for granted.
It's truly heartwarming to hear about the special connection you feel with your mom and the way you perceive her presence. It's those little signs and feelings that can provide so much comfort and reassurance. Your journey towards living a more authentic life is inspiring, and your perspective on not taking anything for granted is truly valuable. Keep embracing those beautiful moments and cherish the memories.