Why Do I Experience Pains Under My Feet?

in OCD5 years ago

I wonder what has been wrong with me. For some time, i have been experiencing certain severe pains under my foot and an area of my thigh is always numb. I wonder where it is from or if i have some ailment. I am not sure but it could be connected to my food. The pains becomes severe just after i have eaten but i do not know what food exactly can be causing this pains. Some times i feel that it is the meat but some times i feel that is rice. At other times, i feel that it may be my weight. Biologically, i could be obese but i am not very sure if that is the cause of the pain because i experience this pain even when i am not active, like not walking. I have to endure many things till they may become out of hand and even when it becomes out of hand, i have to endure that too. Going to the hospital won't even cross my mind in times like this. In the Philippines especially now, i struggle to fend for each day so going to the hospital is out of the question.

I study nursing and we have been on holiday for months now. Some times i can have my lecturer diagnose me and some times even prescribe medicine for simple issues but this can not happen now. I will continue to monitor myself. I have a good intuition for knowing what can be wrong with the body especially now that i study nursing. Right now, i am leaning towards a food that i eat but the question now is how to isolate the particular food that causes it. Right now it is either meat or rice.

There is a particular cheap food here called calabasa that i will try to eat for the next few day and i will try some fish. I want to see if i will still experience the pain. I end up eating too much rice here almost forgetting that there are other types of food. Let us see how it goes in the next few days.