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RE: It's Now Official: Coronavirus Took My Job (For Now)

in OCD5 years ago

Damn, sorry to hear you were laid off, glad your wife still works, although of course in these times it's mixed feelings when you know your wife also takes more risk because she's working (and in a hospital!).

It will be tough times for many, but indeed, we have Hive, let's build this thing and hopefully it can soften the blow for us financially when needed.

I'm slowly selling my STEEM and hope to buy into HIVE when it falls lower.

Cheers and stay healthy above all else <3


Hey, @soyrosa.

Thank you.

Fortunately, while my wife is hired through the hospital network, she actually spends most of the week between two sleep centers, where they monitor patients for sleep disorders. So, she's a little safer there. She does generally go to the hospital once a week to help clean, but they've cleared a floor usually devoted to non-emergent surgeries in anticipation of the need for coronavirus patients. So they don't need as many people at the hospital right now and she's not slated to go.

As it is, we've only had 25 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in our county since this all began, and more than half of those are at a veterans home facility in a town 25 minutes away, and not in the larger town next to where I live.