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RE: An Open Response... I Haven't Done This For A Long Time... BUT Do You Wanna Meet A Cool Community Member?

in OCD5 years ago

Simplifying and streamlining sound like values I could definitely aspire to in my life. I don't know if it is an age thing but I cannot understand the constant need for over-complication and the confusion it causes me trying to sty on par with 'the norm.'

I loved the way you didn't wrap everything up in over-convoluted examples and thought ramblings... This is something I am trying to aspire to myself as I constantly get lost in my own thoughts whether speaking or writing. I don't beat myself up about it as I accept that this is my style of communication right now lol.

Oh the use of simple most certainly was a compliment ((I never even considered that it could have sounded condescending, but with hindsight... Damn hindsight, always explaining things to me after the fact!!!))you shared your thoughts in a way that appealed to me and made me think deeply, hence my use of the word profound.

I think that everybody at times desires that thatch roofed cottage surrounded by a beautiful selection of wild-flowers bees and the smell of fresh bread wafting from the kitchen... Many know of course that they would get bored after a time but - oh man! I am sure I would absolutely relish that sort of life.

I am very appreciative of the lucky happenstance that we crossed paths my friend and look forward to this happening many, many times. I think we have many coinciding thoughts which will be nice to explore going forward.

Take fabulous care of you and yours my friend, hope your weekend is amazing! I am always quite delayed with comments on my workdays but I always get there eventually ((think old fashioned cart-horse rather than Ferrari)) 😎


I can be wordy at times however here I try to be economical as people don't read much, and long, wordy, posts are a waste of time. On my main account I have an average of 1000-1200 words which is too many, but I do it for myself, not to build or gain a following because I already have one.

My advice to newer people is to write simply, not in complex sentences, big words and concepts that few here will relate to. It's about appealing at first, the other stuff can follow later. Just my opinion.

I apply the same simple thought to my real world life.

Reply when you can, no stress; the real world has to come first.

Yes! You are absolutely right!

Even my comments are way too long, I literally cannot help it lol although I am going to make an effort in the coming 3 weeks whilst on holiday from work... Whoo-Hoo!

I apply the same simple thought to my real world life.

My workmates would tell you I never shutup 😁

We will cross paths soon I am sure. Take good care 🙂

It's just a suggestion is all. I think a balance needs to be found. You're a smart guy so will work it out.