Hello Aish. So sorry for my shocking delay in responding, I have finished my work-cycle now for 3 weeks and it is gonna be blockchain, blockchain, blockchain.
Commenting is exactly how we met.
Commenting is how I discovered your incredibly inspiring, joyful, emotionally enriching poetry.
Commenting is why I bloody love you so much!
I know that sometimes when I talk about blockchain friendships becoming real life friendships some roll their eyes, I have even had downvotes on posts that were deemed happie-clappie but I mean every word. I'm not suggesting that everytime we make a comment we make a friend, that would be crazy but sometimes the back and forth results in very special bonds being formed that lay the strong roots for a solid friendship going forward.
Yes I still love second hand bookshops but sadly they are disappearing at an alarming rate, like many non-homogenous businesses not owned by megacorps.
Much love to you and your girls my friend, stay safe, I will cross paths with you again very, very soon 🙂