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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week seven: What would you do if... [Answer - Win hive!]

in OCD5 years ago

Hmmm this is easier than you could possibly imagine right now!

My final nightshift of this weeks work-cycle was a hell-like barbaric mood sucking black pit of despair. ((I didn't enjoy it, in case I didn't quite convey that.))

When I got in from work at 7am, which felt like 57 hours since 7 PM, I read the weekend engagement topic and thought ...EASY!!!

I would forego the temptation to return to the moment my boss was conceived and head straight to the Jurassic Era, embrace being toward the bottom of the food chain and try and get the attention of the reptilian behemoths that are doubtless everywhere.

But why Steven?

Because for the previous 12 hours the only thing I would rather have been doing is wrestling with the mega-jaws of a T Rex as he tried to bite me clean in half... The @galenkp prompt afforded me the opportunity to make this dream a happy and welcome reality.

As a contingency plan just in case I somehow survived this attempt at not having to go to work next cycle, I would take a decent camera and take some fab shots for my blog and also earn my fortune from National Geopgraphic in the process.

timetravel STE HIVE.jpg


Lol...Well I don't know how you got this photo...You use a tripod and an auto shutter release maybe? Anyway, looks like you actually have a time machine and have travelled back to the Jurassic era...I can also see you took the only essential item with you that one would ever need...Strawberries. smart.

At least there's no COVID-19 bullshit to contend with back there...Just T-Rex and his puny little arms.


Actually the Dino's seem to be suffering from a mass flu, the guy who works in McDonald's here ((YEAH of course there's a McDonald's)) says he heard there is a serious risk of it wiping them out, I told him it is government propoganda.


Lol...Macca's back in the Jurassic period? Bring your daughter's a Big Mac, they love Macca's if I recall. 😂

Hey, don't tell the Dino's that their time is numbered...Let it come as a surprise as it will for humans when their time is up.

Trump... Button... Surprise you say?

Yup bloody Mac fans, even the youngest who's a vegan!!! IKR!

Maccas-loving vegans. This world is topsy Turvey.

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