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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week eight: Who were you? [Win hive for your comment]

in OCD5 years ago

Wow! That is quit the long, illustrious and at at times treacherous list of lives you have lived.

Oh wait a second, my Great Grandmother was Lady Tracey McMillan... I am sure she advised Queen Victoria herself to dump Prince Albert and find the pauper she was supposed to marry, before she stole all the slver cutlery from the royal kitchen!!!

What a small world. Wonderful to finally meet you Grandma :)

I am currently touring as Sister Teresa D'Mordecai in 1812 Revolutionary Mexico but I will get to that saga skipping the California gold rush and a brief souvenir stopover in Tombstone around 1881 before launching the New Storm Crow Pirate Airship 1899 to harass Rothschild and Pilgrim Society communications and shipping before dealing with Vickie's marriage issues. Such a sheltered life, her inability to cope. I knew he was a uncouth prude right from the get go.
I do vehemently apologize for my absence from the last 38 traditional family Get-Together Picnics.