Inspired by gargoyles and chimeras

Gargoyles and chimeras are elements with a long history used in architecture, usually in churches and cathedrals. they are generally grotesque figures representing men, animals, monsters or demons that are usually used as symbolic adornment or in the case of gargoyles as water drains

About the vampire cat
After my experience modeling maybe a unusual dinosaur, I wanted to try a strange but fantastic idea. Combining cats with vampires is not common but when you mix things that you like and seem opposite you can have amazing results.
This time I wanted to focus on learning something new and it is about rendering, I really have a sea of knowledge to continue exploring about all this, but each step satisfactory because I love to learn more and more.

I had been slow to continue with my 3D models but the quarantine is more intense and I can hardly visit my friends with decent computers to design (like today). This cat was an idea that I had in mind weeks ago and I decided to dedicate these days to creating it because I love animals and particularly wanted to dedicate this one to @galenkp in honor of our good friends of four-legged.

This post is participating in The Hive Creative Curation Contest by Snibby the Cat🐈
Thank you for visiting me 😉

Me gusta ver esto, está genial, aún espero ver el Toro en todo su esplendor.
Gracias ! tu apreciación es muy importante! yo continuaré con el toro a penas tenga oportunidad, no quepa la menor duda ❤
Pretty cool little model...I like cats so much...Yep, even vampire cats.
Thank you very much! I was worried that those fangs would scare you 😅
It just looks like an adorable kitti with bat wings to me and I will love it just the same XD
Love the texture on it, would look great as a statue on something, perhaps unexpectedly coming to life in a horor movie :D
hahahaha I think you're right! Maybe the artists reveals a little of himself on his work.
So,I don't think being kitty will give him a role in a horror movie 😂
Veryyy cool idea @sthephany 😃 There is no doubt, being patient leads to unexpected results !
Thank you @footlooselatika! that's the true. I am so glad you enjoy this! 😉