The Man of Value: Episode 3 – Value Begets Value

in OCD3 years ago

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Hello everyone. I hope you are good wherever you are. Today, I want to continue the episode 3 of the man of value. I hope you will get value as you read this. If you have not read the episode 1 and 2, I encourage you to go to my profile and read. It will surely bless you. This third episode has been titled "Value begets value". It's my hope that at the of this episode, you will be motivated.


Value Begets Value

One of the quickest ways to succeed in life is to look for someone who has been successful in the area of interest and pattern your own life according to his. It becomes more easier to succeed when you see someone who is willing to guide you on what you what to achieve. The road to success is full of ups and downs and if you don't learn how to quickly rise when you down, you may not be able to achieve what you want to achieve.

Successful people, people who have been able to achieve what they desire in life have experienced ups and downs of life. They know what it means to experience hard and tough times. The truth is, no journey of success has ever be an easy one; it's always a tough journey which is only for tough people. This is to tell you that successful people are tough people, people who gave the best to achieve what they wanted.

If you want to be among this set of people, then you also need to learn to be a tough person. You need to become someone who is not willing to give up until you achieve what you desire. The good news is, you can learn it even if you are someone who gives up easily. Well, it's learnable only if you have a burning passion or desire to succeed. Successful people can teach you how to be successful if you are willing to learn. But there's more to it than willingness to learn.

You can't approach successful people without having something to contribute to their lives. And that's why you see why only few are successful. Value begets value. If you want to learn how to be successful, then you must be willing to give value. No one gets value without bringing value. It's easy to learn when you also have something to offer than you have nothing. In fact, successful people don't want to associate with people who have nothing to contribute to their lives.

There's only one thing that's common to successful people: they are people of value. This is something I have learnt about successful people. I have realized that for a man to be successful, he must have a sense of value. That's one of the things that make successful people to be very focus. Because they wanted to add value to their families, their organizations, societies and everywhere they find themselves, they find it difficult to give up on their desires, goals, objectives and purpose.

Perhaps I should let you know that, the first step you need to take if you want to be among the calibers of successful people is to think about how to add value to something, somewhere. Until you have the sense of adding value to someone, organization, society etc, it may be difficult to be truly successful. Value begets value. Success is a value, and it can only be gotten if you give value.

You will learn faster and become successful if you are ready to bring value to the table. Successful people are people of value, and they are ready to mentor, guide and encourage people who are ready to add to them. Connecting with successful people isn't difficult if you approach them by offering them value. They are driven by value and if they see who are like them, they give them attention. So, the quickest way to be attracted to and get the attention of successful people is by having a success-pattern thinking.

If you want to be like a sheep, you will have to do what the sheep does. If you want to become like successful people, you have to think like them. And what they think is not difficult, they think about how to add value to people. They understand that value begets value and hence they find every means possible to add value. You too can be like them. Be willing to offer value so as to get what you want. And if you want a faster way to be successful, move with successful people, approach them with value so you can get their attention.


I hope you have been able to get something from this post. You can drop your contribution in the comment box.