Good on you for making wine out of sour grapes lol. I remember back in my youth having a door to door job selling advertising to businesses and holy hell, was I out of my league there. I quit that position after a couple of weeks and have never taken a sales job since lol. I am just not cut out for that.
I think you are going to make something grand out of yourself. Just look at how far you've come since joining Steemit!!! You have really come out of your shell :D
I know right? And you've been there all through Tamara, thanks for that. 😁😁
I'm looking out for lecturing jobs because that's just about the only thing that I have flair for
Aww, it's been a pleasure! Can't wait to see how far you go...prolly 'to the moon' lol
That would be awesome, and you're coming with me 😄
hahaaa....i'm ready!