Half a mind too

in OCD4 years ago

I haven't written a middle of the night post from bed in a very long time. I used to do them often in the first couple years, since wjen I should be sleepibg was one of the times I had free to write. I still tend to write late, but it is 330 in the morning and this is now late for me.

My daughter has been up a couple times in the night and I wanted to let my wife get a decent rest, so I stayed up to tend to her, as I am a heavy sleeper once out and my daughter would wake up my wife. She has been sleeping well for awhile mostly, so this is an unusual night and even more so, as she woke crying. Probably having dreams about the amusement park we visited. Boring dreams.

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I took this photo of a young magpie poking through a wooden fence today and edited it a bit to be more interesting. It kind of looks like a pencil drawing now but it is better than it was and is now useful for something. The original was just really lame and and flat, with nothing of note to draw the eye.

I feel I am not going to last long writing this post.

But, I guess I can't really be faulted for too many short posts. This one is probably already longer than many that get committed to the blockchain. It is something I sometimes wonder about for in the future, where we will be able to look back on the immutable Hive Blockchain like a time capsule and ask ourselves often,

"Why would anyone want to save this forever?"

Humans are collectors though and even when we were hunter gatherer nomads, we would find useless things to carry with us, like shells and beads. Perhaps it is part of what drives our problem solving skills, as we have to balance what we can carry with our mobility. Carry too much and we lose the potential to move fast. Carry too little and we lose the ability to meet our needs.

Once we settled down though, we were able to open the storage and carry far more, since we no longer had to relocate often. Now, while we consume at the greatest rate the earth had seen, so much of our baggage is mental and emotional.

This is something else I have been thinking of lately, as I am not and cannot ever be completely sure of am that I lost in the stroke, meaning I can never know if I recover.

Though, wouldn't it be awesome if it had killed all the parts of my brain that hold me back from being the best version of myself? The unnecessary fears, the useless feelings of the past, the grudges, bitterness or behaviors, bad habits... There are many more things of course... I wonder how much of my brain would be left.

The best version of ourselves is what we are daily, but this is based on the conditions we have in the moment. Change the conditions and the results shift too.

Imagine having a perfect day where every decision made would be the ultimate decision that could be made, every movement the best movement, every thought immaculate. What would be the gap between this and the average day where we are affected by our dna and upbringing, experience and memories? I am guessing the gap would be large.

What would the outcome be of a perfect week or year?

Perfection is impossible though and even if it was possible, it would mean that there is no room for growth and innovation. What would be the perfect color? The perfect conditions?

Waiting for perfect, means waiting forever in eternal dissatisfaction. It is ko way to live.

Life is imperfect. May as well do our best with what we have available. Even if that is almost literally, a half-brained idea.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I wonder what is better, a half brained idea, or a scatter-brained Idea? I'm good at scatter braining things. I think a half brained would be better. Scatter brained ideas are to fleeting leading form one idea to another idea and so-on ad infinitum so no idea truly comes to fruition.

I think one of the reasons I like longer content post is because of letter writing days, and historic letters. Where you/people would have a lot to write because it was so long in waiting on replies, (the transmittal times were were long). With quicker delivery of messages, things kept getting shorter and shorter, to now when people thing more than 120 characters are too much and everything can be said in a 6 word meme.

There is no anticipation of a letter arriving, of the family sitting around the kitchen table waiting for mom or dad to read grandmothers letter, to hear if we were mentioned, or what bonehead thing grandpa or uncle jerry did. I used to write letters a long long time ago, they were always long, filled mostly with meaningless stuff, but still they were fun.

I wonder what is better, a half brained idea, or a scatter-brained Idea?

Both are better than the no brainer ideas/decisions, which people often make nowadays. They let emotions (mostly fear) control (or highly influence) their decision making. They do not (or rarely) think. Especially when it comes to investing.

I wonder what it would be like to be completely devoid of the feeling of personal thought.

Some people have a hard time wrapping their head around research when it comes to investing. I have that problem, so I have found a few on Hive I trust that do some good research and seem to be making good decisions.

But yes at least having either is better than none.

I think a half brained would be better.

Well ordered, but not very smart? :D

With quicker delivery of messages, things kept getting shorter and shorter, to now when people thing more than 120 characters are too much and everything can be said in a 6 word meme.

It also has something to do with the ability to concentrate and focus, as well as patience. People don't seem to have the will to invest in anything that takes them more than 15 minutes to get a result.

My in-laws put a short letter in our mailbox every week or two for our daughter. When they had the summer cottage, they would pick a wild flower, stick it to a card and cover it in contact, giving the name and a little information about it. She loves them and as a result, knows most of the wild flowers in Finland :)

Nice to see some still in the letter business and your daughter getting some every now and then, and with some knowledge attached.

One thing about all this lock-down foolishness is that it is teaching some people to take some time and do things correctly. Art, writing, and music are a few of the winners. My wife has seen a lot of build videos, and craft videos reviving old knowledge, the one yesterday about cement tiles was pretty good.

I remember my childhood days. Letters would come in from different friends and relatives.

On new year, we would write letters and give cards to all our friends talking about what we liked about each other and what irked us about others.
Those were true emotions there.

Those days were different. Now, on new year, all I get is forwarded messages "Happy new year". Lol, just formatlities.

I've seen a few random letter type post on Hive, I am thinking about doing one also, pretend stories, pretend people pretend letter. I do miss the letter writing days.

A letter to a friend about how your life is going on hive. Lol, that would be fun to read.

I will be waiting for that post if you decide to write it🤓

It would be to an imaginary friend, if I do write one, but it is an interesting thought, a letter to no one in-particular.

very nice great job !

The best stories, paintings, songs and any other kind of trifle are sometimes born from half-baked ideas.
Excellent publication. I really liked the image. Regards.

Maybe it is where all the world-changing innovation comes from too - silly ideas developed into something that works.

I could do that with...

One hand tied behind my back.

It's a no brainer to me.

I come across at times with lame brained ideas...

Juss' Sayin' 😎

Some things come easily to some people ;D

You reminded me of my children. All three got to an age in which they would collect rocks. They were very protective of their stash of rocks too. Inevitably, they would put them away and forget about them.

I suppose that is life as well. Things are important in the moment, until they cease to be.

Perhaps your condition is like that. Important for the moment. Less so in time.

Perhaps your condition is like that. Important for the moment. Less so in time.

Maybe it is just the human condition in general. I suspect that many of us have draws full of metaphorical rocks that we keep moving around, as even as we know they are useless and unneeded, we can't find a way to detach ourselves from them and the feeling that because we have held on to them for so long, they are a part of us.

You posted shortly but it was making sense .life is always asked to be better in whole journey but we are the ultimately going to make it awesome through our work which mean to save humanity and serve society with infinite willpower. 🙂

Perhaps it is the way for a good life when looking back - seeing the positive affects we have had on the world.

It is something I sometimes wonder about for in the future, where we will be able to look back on the immutable Hive Blockchain like a time capsule and ask ourselves often,
"Why would anyone want to save this forever?"

I never thought it this way. 10 or 20 years later, we can check back and see what we were thinking a decade back.
How much our thoughts and ideas have changed in a decade or two. LOL.

There are a few travel and lifestyle channels that I follow on youtube. They often talk about saving the memories on youtube. That they could see and live again when they are old.

But never thought about that if I put my ideas and thoughts on hive, I can check it back again in a decade or so later.

How much our thoughts and ideas have changed in a decade or two. LOL.

It will be proof of how ridiculous we were when younger :)

But never thought about that if I put my ideas and thoughts on hive, I can check it back again in a decade or so later.

It is one of my main reasons for writing, as this all becomes a story for my daughter to discover when she is ready.

I really like the photo, it also gave me the vibe that it is pencil drawn.

Perfection is an ideal. I think that a little progress made every day is the best way to become a better version of yourself throughout your life

Perhaps that is what perfection is, a continual journey of imperfect improvement.

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See, short posts can be great! :OD

Though, wouldn't it be awesome if it had killed all the parts of my brain that hold me back from being the best version of myself? The unnecessary fears, the useless feelings of the past, the grudges, bitterness or behaviors, bad habits... There are many more things of course... I wonder how much of my brain would be left.

Then, where the "balance" would be left?

Opposing extremes and counterweights over and across our shoulders are certainly needed in order to survive and safely advance on the tightrope of life one more step. :)


Are we supposed to be approaching blockchain blogging with a view to only recording stuff that we want kept forever? o_O damn I've been doing it all wrong this entire time ^_^;

Why would you wait for perfect when you can keep trying for perfect while also being happy with being good enough? :D